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[PROBLEM] On products edit all prices change

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Hi there!


I have a problem with Prestashop 16.0.11 with multistore.


I created 8 stores:


- 1 B2B without taxes

- 6 B2C with 22% VAT

- 1 B2C with 20% VAT


I import products from ERP, generating a new line on table "product" and 8 lines on "product_shop"; every line has obviously different "id_shop", "price" (imported without taxes) and "id_tax_rules_group".


I insert descriptions, pictures, etc and then I save: all works great.


The problem comes on edit: if i edit a product with "all stores" selected, Prestashop sets all prices and taxes as the B2B (id_shop = 1). It happens also when I don't select the prices tab on edit...


Is this a bug or did I forgot some setting somewhere?


I hope someone can help me.


Thank you!

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To me is not that logical, I try to explain my opinion better.


If I go inside a product and select "Multistore" on the "Prices" tab, then save, sounds logical to me too.


But if I go inside a product and select "Multistore" on the "informations" tab, I edit for example the title and then save (and I've never selected "multistore" on "prices" tab), why should it edit all prices?


Or the inverted question is: why should I select "Multistore" on every tab if it always edits all tabs on save?

Edited by AntonioAT (see edit history)
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