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[SOLVED] Can't access PS from certain IP after enabling store. IP seems blocked.

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Hello Everyone,


first of all, I have tried for a few hours to find a right answer to my question, but unfortunately I couldn't find it. After maintenance, I enabled the store at work and then I tried to edit a product, which I forgot. Since then I cannot access the store from this IP and I get a time out. It seems like the IP is blocked or so. I put the IP in whitelist and such but still doesn't work. The store can't be accessed from any computer at that location. I have tried many things and then I tried to reach the store from my cell phone mobile network. At first it worked but now that IP is not working either.


Oh, I also can't access ftp server from that location!


My service provider tells me that everything is okay on their side and from home I have access to store and ftp server.


From home everything works fine but from the cell phone it still cannot reach the store and I suspect that the same thing is at work.


Does anyone know what happened and what can I do? I can't work from home all the time ;) and I am scared that the error will happen again and block IPs or devices.


shop address: www.kendinyap-shop.com


I look forward for any advice.





Edited by dirk.j.herrmann (see edit history)
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