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[SOLVED] Changing keywords

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I feel like a fool asking this but I can not find anywhere, where I entered the information for the meta descriptions the website description or keywords so I can edit them for better SEO.

I have looked and looked, searched and searched and can not find it any where.

I am using V1.2.5

Please help me.

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Go to Preferences > Meta-Tags to change the meta information for 404.php, best-sales.php, contact-form.php, index.php, manufacturers.php, new-products.php, password.php, prices-drop.php, sitemap.php and supplier.php.

Go to Tools > CMS to change the meta information of the CMS pages. Go to the Catalog and edit a category to change its meta information. Go to the Catalog and edit a product to change its meta information (click the "Click here to improve product's rank in search engines (SEO)" link to reveal the meta fields).

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