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Need Help- Creating a new Index file under SEO & URl


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Hi. before I delete them all, there were 404 , best seller, contact, index, and so on. do you know how can I recreate them again? or how can regenerate? because  when I click add new, it doesn't let me. It direct me a blank page, any ideas? I did some research, this might casse by the robot.txt was misplace? I am new to prestashp.

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Try this, backup your database first, then go to phpMyadmin or database tool you use.

Select your database and insert these sql queries.

INSERT INTO `ps_meta` (`id_meta`, `page`, `configurable`) VALUES
(1,	'pagenotfound',	1),
(2,	'best-sales',	1),
(3,	'contact',	1),
(4,	'index',	1),
(5,	'manufacturer',	1),
(6,	'new-products',	1),
(7,	'password',	1),
(8,	'prices-drop',	1),
(9,	'sitemap',	1),
(10,	'supplier',	1),
(11,	'address',	1),
(12,	'addresses',	1),
(13,	'authentication',	1),
(14,	'cart',	1),
(15,	'discount',	1),
(16,	'history',	1),
(17,	'identity',	1),
(18,	'my-account',	1),
(19,	'order-follow',	1),
(20,	'order-slip',	1),
(21,	'order',	1),
(22,	'search',	1),
(23,	'stores',	1),
(24,	'order-opc',	1),
(25,	'guest-tracking',	1),
(26,	'order-confirmation',	1),
(27,	'product',	0),
(28,	'category',	0),
(29,	'cms',	0),
(30,	'module-cheque-payment',	0),
(31,	'module-cheque-validation',	0),
(32,	'module-bankwire-validation',	0),
(33,	'module-bankwire-payment',	0),
(34,	'products-comparison',	1),
(35,	'module-blockcmsinfo-default',	1);
INSERT INTO `ps_meta_lang` (`id_meta`, `id_shop`, `id_lang`, `title`, `description`, `keywords`, `url_rewrite`) VALUES
(1,	1,	1,	'404 error',	'This page cannot be found',	NULL,	'page-not-found'),
(1,	1,	2,	'404 error',	'This page cannot be found',	NULL,	'page-not-found'),
(2,	1,	1,	'Best sales',	'Our best sales',	NULL,	'best-sales'),
(2,	1,	2,	'Best sales',	'Our best sales',	NULL,	'best-sales'),
(3,	1,	1,	'Contact us',	'Use our form to contact us',	NULL,	'contact-us'),
(3,	1,	2,	'Contact us',	'Use our form to contact us',	NULL,	'contact-us'),
(4,	1,	1,	NULL,	'Shop powered by PrestaShop',	NULL,	''),
(4,	1,	2,	NULL,	'Shop powered by PrestaShop',	NULL,	''),
(5,	1,	1,	'Manufacturers',	'Manufacturers list',	NULL,	'manufacturers'),
(5,	1,	2,	'Manufacturers',	'Manufacturers list',	NULL,	'manufacturers'),
(6,	1,	1,	'New products',	'Our new products',	NULL,	'new-products'),
(6,	1,	2,	'New products',	'Our new products',	NULL,	'new-products'),
(7,	1,	1,	'Forgot your password',	'Enter your e-mail address used to register in goal to get e-mail with your new password',	NULL,	'password-recovery'),
(7,	1,	2,	'Forgot your password',	'Enter your e-mail address used to register in goal to get e-mail with your new password',	NULL,	'password-recovery'),
(8,	1,	1,	'Prices drop',	'Our special products',	NULL,	'prices-drop'),
(8,	1,	2,	'Prices drop',	'Our special products',	NULL,	'prices-drop'),
(9,	1,	1,	'Sitemap',	'Lost ? Find what your are looking for',	NULL,	'sitemap'),
(9,	1,	2,	'Sitemap',	'Lost ? Find what your are looking for',	NULL,	'sitemap'),
(10,	1,	1,	'Suppliers',	'Suppliers list',	NULL,	'supplier'),
(10,	1,	2,	'Suppliers',	'Suppliers list',	NULL,	'supplier'),
(11,	1,	1,	'Address',	NULL,	NULL,	'address'),
(11,	1,	2,	'Address',	NULL,	NULL,	'address'),
(12,	1,	1,	'Addresses',	NULL,	NULL,	'addresses'),
(12,	1,	2,	'Addresses',	NULL,	NULL,	'addresses'),
(13,	1,	1,	'Login',	NULL,	NULL,	'login'),
(13,	1,	2,	'Login',	NULL,	NULL,	'login'),
(14,	1,	1,	'Cart',	NULL,	NULL,	'cart'),
(14,	1,	2,	'Cart',	NULL,	NULL,	'cart'),
(15,	1,	1,	'Discount',	NULL,	NULL,	'discount'),
(15,	1,	2,	'Discount',	NULL,	NULL,	'discount'),
(16,	1,	1,	'Order history',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-history'),
(16,	1,	2,	'Order history',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-history'),
(17,	1,	1,	'Identity',	NULL,	NULL,	'identity'),
(17,	1,	2,	'Identity',	NULL,	NULL,	'identity'),
(18,	1,	1,	'My account',	NULL,	NULL,	'my-account'),
(18,	1,	2,	'My account',	NULL,	NULL,	'my-account'),
(19,	1,	1,	'Order follow',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-follow'),
(19,	1,	2,	'Order follow',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-follow'),
(20,	1,	1,	'Order slip',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-slip'),
(20,	1,	2,	'Order slip',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-slip'),
(21,	1,	1,	'Order',	NULL,	NULL,	'order'),
(21,	1,	2,	'Order',	NULL,	NULL,	'order'),
(22,	1,	1,	'Search',	NULL,	NULL,	'search'),
(22,	1,	2,	'Search',	NULL,	NULL,	'search'),
(23,	1,	1,	'Stores',	NULL,	NULL,	'stores'),
(23,	1,	2,	'Stores',	NULL,	NULL,	'stores'),
(24,	1,	1,	'Order',	NULL,	NULL,	'quick-order'),
(24,	1,	2,	'Order',	NULL,	NULL,	'quick-order'),
(25,	1,	1,	'Guest tracking',	NULL,	NULL,	'guest-tracking'),
(25,	1,	2,	'Guest tracking',	NULL,	NULL,	'guest-tracking'),
(26,	1,	1,	'Order confirmation',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-confirmation'),
(26,	1,	2,	'Order confirmation',	NULL,	NULL,	'order-confirmation'),
(27,	0,	1,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(27,	0,	2,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(28,	0,	1,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(28,	0,	2,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(29,	0,	1,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(29,	0,	2,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(30,	0,	1,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(30,	0,	2,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(31,	0,	1,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(31,	0,	2,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(32,	0,	1,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(32,	0,	2,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(33,	0,	1,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(33,	0,	2,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	''),
(34,	1,	1,	'Products Comparison',	NULL,	NULL,	'products-comparison'),
(34,	1,	2,	'Products Comparison',	NULL,	NULL,	'products-comparison'),
(35,	1,	1,	'Cms info',	'Cms info',	'Cms info',	'cmsinfopage'),
(35,	1,	2,	'Cms info',	'Cms info',	'Cms info',	'cmsinfopage');

Note few things :

here are database prefix ps but if you have some other change it,

for second one values are insterted for 2 languages, but if you have one or more edit accordingly.

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First check in your database, tables ps_meta and ps_meta_lang.

You can do that by going to your cPanel and finding phpMyAdmin.


If tables are empty then you deleted values. And here upgrade will not help because it will not repopulate that table. 

Upgrade is just adding new features or alter extising values.


If there are some records then they for some reason do not display at Back office.


And you said you are getting blank page if you try to add new record. So try first to enable debug mode


and see what error come up.

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