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Can someone explain how addJsDef and addJsDefL work?

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I have this snippet inside order-address.tpl

{capture}<h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='Your billing address' js=1}</h3>{/capture}
{addJsDefL name=titleInvoice}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL}

The thing is, if I change the captured html and console.log the titleInvoice variable, it retains the default value, rather than the updated one. I have disabled all cache options from the back office "Performance" panel, cleared the cache manually, and have forced templates to always recompile. My last hope is that I have not understood how addJsDefL works, but there is no mention of it in the PrestaShop and Smarty docs.

So, I'm lost at this point.

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