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[SOLVED] Can't see the changes

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Dear reader,


I have a question about my webshop.

When you go to an category in the shop you can see the categroy description with the image of the category as background, some text and the 'More...' option.

Now I know that you can change the category background in a normal color in the file category.tpl.

You need te change this rule:  <div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="background:url({$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}) right center no-repeat; background-size:cover; min-height:{$categorySize.height}px;"{/if}>




 <div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="background:#333"|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}) right center no-repeat; background-size:cover; min-height:{$categorySize.height}px;"{/if}>


If I'm right haha.

But when I changed this rule en uploaded it to my FTP I don't see any changes on my website. I still see the image as background for the description and not the color #333.

Also I know if I delete 'More' in this rule:


<a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($category->id_category, $category->link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="lnk_more">{l s='More'}</a>


The 'More..' option is away so you only can see the text but when I saved this file and I uploaded it to my FTP the 'More...' option is still showing in the discription.

It looks like that the changes I make don't get to the website.


Can somebody help me with this problem? It's a struggle for a few days now and I still can't find a solution.


Lots of love,





Edited by RemySan (see edit history)
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