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Open product videos in a fancybox

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What is the easiest way to get product Youtube videos openen in a fancybox?


I did found a article (https://mypresta.eu/en/art/developer/gallery-on-cms-page-fancybox.html) about using videos on CMS pages but this is for a different Prestashop version and does also not really apply to the product pages.


I use the default theme and Prestashop version

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When I try your method I get the following error (in a fancybox):


The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later.


I also tried the second option (with the hidden div), but same result. The link itself is good, when I copy it in the URL bar the Youtube video is loaded normally.

Edited by zeezuiper (see edit history)
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In the active theme global.js I have added the following line:


In the product description I have added the following HTML code:

<a class="myfancybox" href="#youtube">Movie!</a>

<div style="display: none">
<div id="youtube">

</div> </div>

You can check the result here: http://www.rikxoort.com/potten/gold-stars.html

Edited by zeezuiper (see edit history)
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