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tie one currency to a country

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How I can determine a coin or currency to a country? i mean. .. when the languaje version are eglish only show prices in dollars and when the languaje are Spanish show only the mexican pesos , is this possible?






como puedo configurar que cuando el lenguaje ingles esta habilitado solamente muestre los precios del catalogo en dólares? y lo mismo cuando el lenguaje español el usuario lo active o seleccione solamente muestre pesos mexicanos?


es posible esto?


espero su ayuda



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I think not, in my honest opinion you will need a module to do what you want to achieve.


Prestashop is really great but it cannot be all things to all men, so their are times when you need a module for a specific task.



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you can do currency by 'country', I do not recommend using 'by language'.  That is not 'typical' localization...


for by country back office-->preferences-->geo location


enable geo location  (note set Geo behavior for other countries' as seen in screen shot





back office-->localization-->countries

edit  each country and set the default currency.


now when IP can be resolved to a country, that countries default currency will be used.


so...we want to localize currency by language


and we want to localize language by browser visitor language (see back office-->localization-->localization)

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