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Prestashop and Google Analytics eCommerece code

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I have this - i guess - a general issue for Prestashop and Google eCommerce tracking.


A lot of orders are tracked 2 times or more in Google Analytics - actually my revenue is approximately 5 - 10% to high because of this. I guess it is because the user either bookmark my completion page, and each time they open it, it will call/open my tracking code. 


Se attached files. 

How do i prevent this?



Edited by Casper Schneidereit (see edit history)
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I don't recall to have this in my stores, but then you might be viewing a report that I'm not using. Which report is this? 


I had the issue only with an Adwords implementation once, counting orders several times. And yes, it is because customers bookmark the confirmation page and open it several times afterwards. But I then replaced this implementation with my own that was sending an unique order ID and this issue disappeared. I'm most certain, that the Analytics implementation I use doesn't count duplicates either. Are you using for Analytics Prestashop's native module or are you using that of someone else's (which might be insufficiently implemented)?

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