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After 1-Click Upgrade from to I got a lot "LIST OF CHANGED FILES" files in "Configuration Information" list (see attachment).

After the upgrade I got logotype PrestaShop™ in my BO. Shop works, but does not work perfectly. Slow and some small inaccuracy in BO work.

For instance:

1. I have very often use "Clear cache" to get non blank page in BO;

2. Orders, new customers, messages notification in left up corner never zeroize;

3. Not all changes in BO immediately goes to FO. Some quite long delay;

4. Missing and old version files in "LIST OF CHANGED FILES" disturbs me;


What to do?

a. Manually add and change files from prestashop_1.6.1.1.zip? Looks very time consuming and dangerous;

b. Make some kind of new clean installation? But I do not know, how I can keep my product catalog, registrerad customers, statistic, etc. after such clean installation;


Please, advice.

Configuration Information • Kuzmin Ski Technology AB 2015-10-19_scr.pdfFetching info...

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