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Where can I change the PAYMENT PROCESSING ERROR text

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When there is a problem with a credit card payment a message comes up saying:



There is a problem with your payment for xxxxxx order with the reference 0006761. Please contact us at your earliest convenience.
We cannot ship your order until we receive your payment.


I need to customise this message to make it friendlier, can you tell me where it is stored?

I looked in the databsae and in the translations but cant find this text in either.



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When I got as far as the module Translations and English, I get the error:

Warning! Your PHP configuration limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form
2000 for max_input_vars.
Please ask your hosting provider to increase this limit to 3830 at least, or you will have to edit the translation files.


I got the max_input_vars increased to 10000 but the admin area of prestatshop does not seem to recognise it.

Can you tell me where I can find the credit card module in the FTP? I looked in modules but can't see that error message text.



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