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Problema al importar csv con 13000 productos.


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         me he encontrado este fallo en diferentes instalaciones y con diferentes configuraciones de phps y mysqls, con IDs fijadas, sin fijar... . Al importar un csv con mas de 13000 articulos deja de subir ficheros (se queda en 11053) y saltan estos errores en los logs:


*ERROR*     2015/10/17 - 23:07:07: Duplicate entry '62776' for key 'PRIMARY'<br /><br /><pre>INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_product`, `id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `upc`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_product_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES ('62776', '1', '273', '0', '8414600443136', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '4', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '2.975207', '3.13', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '', '0', '1', '0000-00-00', 'new', '1', '0', 'both', '0', '0', '2015-10-17 22:57:28', '0000-00-00', '3')</pre> at line 765 in file classes/db/Db.php.

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No Presta-Lab , no esta repetido( lo he parseado y revisado manualmente) ,tambien he comprobado la integridad de la base de datos , incluso borrado la base de datos e reinstalar, y nada). Es como si se confundiera el import pensase que el id y una parte del EAN fuese lo mismo y reportara ese error(por ejemplo:un articulo tiene ID 14 y otro articulo diferente EAN 14956, al tener el segundo una cadena "14" piensa que es el mismo ID) . Otra cosa no se

me ocurre...

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  • 1 month later...

The csv import on our pswebstore it is not even moving to the next step the spread sheet after choosing the file to import you get the processing clock then after literally a few minutes you are back to where you started but the file chosen is back to the last one you  actually imported (a week ago) and the field value setting has switched back to the default.     It was working last month though it would sometimes timeout.  Now when we try to import it keeps trying to load the same file over and over after choosing another, even after the old file  has been erased?  It appears to be stuck in cache?


 P.S. is there a way to set the field separator and the  multiple value punctuation permanently in preferences, if so we have not found it?  In U.S. the coma is used as a field separator normally and the semi-colon is used for the multiple value separation.      

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