stevrosty Posted October 16, 2015 Share Posted October 16, 2015 We have been noticing that yesterday 15th Oct, the front end of our shop was performing well as normal, but when we logged into the backend of the same server the performance was really slow. Pages loading by the browser showing unloaded elements etc. The difference was remarkable, yet its the same physical machine. I tried to look at the prestashop forums about this, but yesterday the prestashop website (this one) was down for a few hours. This morning (UK time) the prestashop website is now back up, as I'm typing on this forum, and now the backend of my prestashop store is also performing normally again...Why is this?? Are there modules or processes that run in the backend that are trying to communicate with prestashop servers? if so, why and i would like to know which ones. Can anyone advise on this or has this been seen by anyone else? Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rocky Posted October 24, 2015 Share Posted October 24, 2015 PrestaShop communicates with the PrestaShop Addon servers to display module suggestions on the Modules tab. Unfortunately, if there are communication problems between your server and PrestaShop's servers, this can cause very long page load times in the Back Office, though the Front Office will continue to load fast. The website I'm currently working on is experiencing this problem. It was taking 2 minutes just to load a page. I was able to reduce the load time to 2 seconds by using an override to remove all the code that communicates with PrestaShop's servers. Note that this override was created for PrestaShop v1.6.1.1 and may not work in other PrestaShop versions. I created override/classes/controller/AdminController.php with the following code: <?php class AdminController extends AdminControllerCore { protected function filterTabModuleList() { static $list_is_filtered = null; $list_is_filtered = true; } protected function initTabModuleList() { $this->tab_modules_list = Tab::getTabModulesList($this->id); $modules = Module::getModulesOnDisk(); $tmp = array(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $tmp[] = $module->name; } foreach ($this->tab_modules_list['slider_list'] as $key => $module) { if (!in_array($module, $tmp)) { unset($this->tab_modules_list['slider_list'][$key]); } } if (is_array($this->tab_modules_list['default_list']) && count($this->tab_modules_list['default_list'])) { $this->filter_modules_list = $this->tab_modules_list['default_list']; } elseif (is_array($this->tab_modules_list['slider_list']) && count($this->tab_modules_list['slider_list'])) { $this->addToolBarModulesListButton(); $this->addPageHeaderToolBarModulesListButton(); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'tab_modules_list' => implode(',', $this->tab_modules_list['slider_list']), 'admin_module_ajax_url' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules'), 'back_tab_modules_list' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink(Tools::getValue('controller')), 'tab_modules_open' => (int)Tools::getValue('tab_modules_open') )); } } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rocky Posted October 25, 2015 Share Posted October 25, 2015 Another override for PrestaShop v1.6.1.1 that improved performance on the website I'm working on. The code stops config/xml/default_country_modules_list.xml from being read, which was taking an entire minute on this website. I created the file override/classes/module/Module.php with the following: <?php class Module extends ModuleCore { public static function getModulesOnDisk($use_config = false, $logged_on_addons = false, $id_employee = false) { global $_MODULES; // Init var $module_list = array(); $module_name_list = array(); $modules_name_to_cursor = array(); $errors = array(); // Get modules directory list and memory limit $modules_dir = Module::getModulesDirOnDisk(); $modules_installed = array(); $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT, m.version, mp.interest, module_shop.enable_device FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module` m '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('module', 'm').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'module_preference` mp ON (mp.`module` = m.`name` AND mp.`id_employee` = '.(int)$id_employee.')'); foreach ($result as $row) { $modules_installed[$row['name']] = $row; } foreach ($modules_dir as $module) { if (Module::useTooMuchMemory()) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('All modules cannot be loaded due to memory limit restrictions, please increase your memory_limit value on your server configuration'); break; } $iso = substr(Context::getContext()->language->iso_code, 0, 2); // Check if config.xml module file exists and if it's not outdated if ($iso == 'en') { $config_file = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/config.xml'; } else { $config_file = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/config_'.$iso.'.xml'; } $xml_exist = (file_exists($config_file)); $need_new_config_file = $xml_exist ? (@filemtime($config_file) < @filemtime(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php')) : true; // If config.xml exists and that the use config flag is at true if ($use_config && $xml_exist && !$need_new_config_file) { // Load config.xml libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml_module = @simplexml_load_file($config_file); if (!$xml_module) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError(sprintf('%1s could not be loaded.', $config_file)); break; } foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors[] = '['.$module.'] '.Tools::displayError('Error found in config file:').' '.htmlentities($error->message); } libxml_clear_errors(); // If no errors in Xml, no need instand and no need new config.xml file, we load only translations if (!count($errors) && (int)$xml_module->need_instance == 0) { $file = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.Context::getContext()->language->iso_code.'.php'; if (Tools::file_exists_cache($file) && include_once($file)) { if (isset($_MODULE) && is_array($_MODULE)) { $_MODULES = !empty($_MODULES) ? array_merge($_MODULES, $_MODULE) : $_MODULE; } } $item = new stdClass(); $item->id = 0; $item->warning = ''; foreach ($xml_module as $k => $v) { $item->$k = (string)$v; } $item->displayName = stripslashes(Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->displayName), (string)$xml_module->name)); $item->description = stripslashes(Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->description), (string)$xml_module->name)); $item->author = stripslashes(Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->author), (string)$xml_module->name)); $item->author_uri = (isset($xml_module->author_uri) && $xml_module->author_uri) ? stripslashes($xml_module->author_uri) : false; if (isset($xml_module->confirmUninstall)) { $item->confirmUninstall = Translate::getModuleTranslation((string)$xml_module->name, html_entity_decode(Module::configXmlStringFormat($xml_module->confirmUninstall)), (string)$xml_module->name); } $item->active = 0; $item->onclick_option = false; $item->trusted = Module::isModuleTrusted($item->name); $module_list[] = $item; $module_name_list[] = '\''.pSQL($item->name).'\''; $modules_name_to_cursor[Tools::strtolower(strval($item->name))] = $item; } } // If use config flag is at false or config.xml does not exist OR need instance OR need a new config.xml file if (!$use_config || !$xml_exist || (isset($xml_module->need_instance) && (int)$xml_module->need_instance == 1) || $need_new_config_file) { // If class does not exists, we include the file if (!class_exists($module, false)) { // Get content from php file $file_path = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php'; $file = trim(file_get_contents(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php')); if (substr($file, 0, 5) == '<?php') { $file = substr($file, 5); } if (substr($file, -2) == '?>') { $file = substr($file, 0, -2); } // If (false) is a trick to not load the class with "eval". // This way require_once will works correctly if (eval('if (false){ '.$file.' }') !== false) { require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module.'/'.$module.'.php'); } else { $errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (parse error in %2$s)'), $module, substr($file_path, strlen(_PS_ROOT_DIR_))); } } // If class exists, we just instanciate it if (class_exists($module, false)) { $tmp_module = Adapter_ServiceLocator::get($module); $item = new stdClass(); $item->id = $tmp_module->id; $item->warning = $tmp_module->warning; $item->name = $tmp_module->name; $item->version = $tmp_module->version; $item->tab = $tmp_module->tab; $item->displayName = $tmp_module->displayName; $item->description = stripslashes($tmp_module->description); $item->author = $tmp_module->author; $item->author_uri = (isset($tmp_module->author_uri) && $tmp_module->author_uri) ? $tmp_module->author_uri : false; $item->limited_countries = $tmp_module->limited_countries; $item->parent_class = get_parent_class($module); $item->is_configurable = $tmp_module->is_configurable = method_exists($tmp_module, 'getContent') ? 1 : 0; $item->need_instance = isset($tmp_module->need_instance) ? $tmp_module->need_instance : 0; $item->active = $tmp_module->active; $item->trusted = Module::isModuleTrusted($tmp_module->name); $item->currencies = isset($tmp_module->currencies) ? $tmp_module->currencies : null; $item->currencies_mode = isset($tmp_module->currencies_mode) ? $tmp_module->currencies_mode : null; $item->confirmUninstall = isset($tmp_module->confirmUninstall) ? html_entity_decode($tmp_module->confirmUninstall) : null; $item->description_full = stripslashes($tmp_module->description_full); $item->additional_description = isset($tmp_module->additional_description) ? stripslashes($tmp_module->additional_description) : null; $item->compatibility = isset($tmp_module->compatibility) ? (array)$tmp_module->compatibility : null; $item->nb_rates = isset($tmp_module->nb_rates) ? (array)$tmp_module->nb_rates : null; $item->avg_rate = isset($tmp_module->avg_rate) ? (array)$tmp_module->avg_rate : null; $item->badges = isset($tmp_module->badges) ? (array)$tmp_module->badges : null; $item->url = isset($tmp_module->url) ? $tmp_module->url : null; $item->onclick_option = method_exists($module, 'onclickOption') ? true : false; if ($item->onclick_option) { $href = Context::getContext()->link->getAdminLink('Module', true).'&module_name='.$tmp_module->name.'&tab_module='.$tmp_module->tab; $item->onclick_option_content = array(); $option_tab = array('desactive', 'reset', 'configure', 'delete'); foreach ($option_tab as $opt) { $item->onclick_option_content[$opt] = $tmp_module->onclickOption($opt, $href); } } $module_list[] = $item; if (!$xml_exist || $need_new_config_file) { self::$_generate_config_xml_mode = true; $tmp_module->_generateConfigXml(); self::$_generate_config_xml_mode = false; } unset($tmp_module); } else { $errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('%1$s (class missing in %2$s)'), $module, substr($file_path, strlen(_PS_ROOT_DIR_))); } } } // Get modules information from database if (!empty($module_name_list)) { $list = Shop::getContextListShopID(); $sql = 'SELECT m.id_module,, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'module_shop ms WHERE m.id_module = ms.id_module AND ms.id_shop IN ('.implode(',', $list).') ) as total FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'module m WHERE LOWER( IN ('.Tools::strtolower(implode(',', $module_name_list)).')'; $results = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql); foreach ($results as $result) { if (isset($modules_name_to_cursor[Tools::strtolower($result['name'])])) { $module_cursor = $modules_name_to_cursor[Tools::strtolower($result['name'])]; $module_cursor->id = (int)$result['id_module']; $module_cursor->active = ($result['total'] == count($list)) ? 1 : 0; } } } foreach ($module_list as $key => &$module) { if (defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_') && in_array($module->name, self::$hosted_modules_blacklist)) { unset($module_list[$key]); } elseif (isset($modules_installed[$module->name])) { $module->installed = true; $module->database_version = $modules_installed[$module->name]['version']; $module->interest = $modules_installed[$module->name]['interest']; $module->enable_device = $modules_installed[$module->name]['enable_device']; } else { $module->installed = false; $module->database_version = 0; $module->interest = 0; } } usort($module_list, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strnatcasecmp($a->displayName, $b->displayName);')); if ($errors) { if (!isset(Context::getContext()->controller) && !Context::getContext()->controller->controller_name) { echo '<div class="alert error"><h3>'.Tools::displayError('The following module(s) could not be loaded').':</h3><ol>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { echo '<li>'.$error.'</li>'; } echo '</ol></div>'; } else { foreach ($errors as $error) { Context::getContext()->controller->errors[] = $error; } } } return $module_list; } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luciano Santana Posted May 27, 2017 Share Posted May 27, 2017 Hi Rocky !I'd like to know if you had any issue after using this overrides. It's been almost 2 years since you've posted. So would be great to know the PROs and CONs of using it. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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