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Contact form don't work

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When I try to use the contact form, the messages get saved in the back-office, but no email is sent, either to the customer or to the admin.


And when I try to reply to the messages from the back-office, no email is sent out.


I have set up both standard email adress for the site, and "contacts" for the contact form. All e-mails used are @ the same domain.


I tried to use SMTP settings to no avail. I have tried several other "hot-patches" wich did not work either (I backed up all the files before i tried editing, and reverted to the backup files after trying with no success)


My hosting provider recommends using the standard mailto() php function, but that didn't work either.


Please help me here, my customer has missed 7 orders worth nearly a total of $100k, this isn't fun!






- Joakim

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