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Concept doubt: Single-value attributes, features and Layered Navigation filters

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Hello, I'm writing here because I need some suggestion on how to manage this issue.


My shop sells several electrical products with different Internal Protection rating (IP20, IP65, IP68, etc...)


Some of the products, can come in different IP ratings, and for them I use the product combinations to let the user choose the value they want. Other products, though, have only one IP rating available. To keep the layered navigation module filters working fine, so they can filter the products in the categories based on what IP rating they need, I am using a single-value combination for these products, but seeing a dropdown select where the user doesn't actually have a choice, looks weird.


So, I considered using a feature to represent the Internal Protection for products that only had 1 variant, but the layered navigation module is not smart enough to understand that a feature and an attribute are actually representing the same information, so displays 2 filters, one for the attribute IP, one for the feature IP.


At the moment, I'm considering editing the product page so that when there is a single choice, it is displayed as a text field instead of a select (as described here), but I feel it doesn't resolve the actual concept problem. Do you have better suggestions?


thanks in advance

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