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displayAdminOrder hook clears all content before it


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I am having problems with attaching content to the displayAdminOrder hook.


It displays just fine when I open the order (see attachment #1). But when I press the Capture button in a form I have, the resulting page is missing all the content from the view order page that appears before this hook is called (attachment #2). If I re-open the order it again displays normally.


I tried displayAdminOrderLeft too, with the same results... (everything before it is cut off)


I've check Paymill and PayPal modules and they basicall use the code to display the TPL, so I am really lost why does it not work for me.


Here's my hook

public function hookdisplayAdminOrder($params)
		if (! $this->active) {

		$id_order = (int)$params['id_order'];

		/* @var $order OrderCore */
		$order = new Order($id_order);

		if (! Validate::isLoadedObject($order) || $order->module !== $this->name) {

		if (Tools::isSubmit('megapos_capture')) {
			$tx_code = Tools::getValue('tx_code');
			if ($tx_code) {
				$tx = Transaction::fetchByCode($tx_code);

				if (Validate::isLoadedObject($tx)) {
					try {
						$client = MegaposTools::getClient();

						$params = array(
							'store-id' => MegaposTools::getStoreParam(),
							'transaction-id' => $tx->tx_code,
							'amount' => $tx->amount

						$rs = $client->processTransaction($params);

						if ($tx->state === 'PROCESSED') {
							$msg = $this->l('Funds successfully captured!');
							$msg_error = false;
						} else {
							$msg = $this->l('Could not capture funds.') .' '. $this->l('Error returned by processing centre: ');
							$msg_error = true;
					} catch (Exception $ex) {
						$msg = $this->l('Could not capture funds.') .' '. $this->l('Initialization error: '). $ex->getMessage();
						$msg_error = true;

						'megapos_msg' => $msg,
						'megapos_error' => $msg_error

			'list_tx' => Transaction::fetchListByOrderId($order->id)

		return $this->display(__FILE__, 'admin_vieworder_tx.tpl');

And here's the TPL:

<div id="formTransactionsPanel" class="panel">
	<div class="panel-heading">
		<i class="icon-credit-card"></i>
		{l s="Transactions"} <span class="badge">{$list_tx|@count}</span>

	{if isset($megapos_msg)}
		<div class="alert {if ! $megapos_error}alert-success{else}alert-danger{/if}">

	<div class="table-responsive">
		<table class="table">
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Date'}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Transaction ID' mod=megapos}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Amount'}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='State'}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Updated'}</span></th>
				{foreach $list_tx as $tx}
					<tr class="{if $tx->isPending()}warning{elseif $tx->hasFailed()}danger{/if}">
						<td>{dateFormat date=$tx->date_add full=true}</td>
						<td>{displayPrice price=$tx->amount currency=$tx->getCurrencyId()}</td>
							{if $tx->date_upd}
								{dateFormat date=$tx->date_upd full=true}
						<td class="actions">
							<form method="POST">
								<input name="tx_code" type="hidden" value="{$tx->tx_code}"/>
									{if $tx->needsCapture()}
									<button name="megapos_capture" class="btn btn-success" type="submit" onclick="if (!confirm('{l s='Are you sure you want to capture the specified amount?' mod=megapos}'))return false;">
										<i class="icon-check"></i>
										{l s='Capture' mod=megapos}
						<td class="list-empty hidden-print" colspan="6">
							<div class="list-empty-msg">
								<i class="icon-warning-sign list-empty-icon"></i>
								{l s='No transactions have been initialized' mod=megapos}




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  • 5 years later...
On 10/11/2015 at 11:28 AM, SlimDeluxe said:


I am having problems with attaching content to the displayAdminOrder hook.


It displays just fine when I open the order (see attachment #1). But when I press the Capture button in a form I have, the resulting page is missing all the content from the view order page that appears before this hook is called (attachment #2). If I re-open the order it again displays normally.


I tried displayAdminOrderLeft too, with the same results... (everything before it is cut off)


I've check Paymill and PayPal modules and they basicall use the code to display the TPL, so I am really lost why does it not work for me.


Here's my hook

public function hookdisplayAdminOrder($params)
		if (! $this->active) {

		$id_order = (int)$params['id_order'];

		/* @var $order OrderCore */
		$order = new Order($id_order);

		if (! Validate::isLoadedObject($order) || $order->module !== $this->name) {

		if (Tools::isSubmit('megapos_capture')) {
			$tx_code = Tools::getValue('tx_code');
			if ($tx_code) {
				$tx = Transaction::fetchByCode($tx_code);

				if (Validate::isLoadedObject($tx)) {
					try {
						$client = MegaposTools::getClient();

						$params = array(
							'store-id' => MegaposTools::getStoreParam(),
							'transaction-id' => $tx->tx_code,
							'amount' => $tx->amount

						$rs = $client->processTransaction($params);

						if ($tx->state === 'PROCESSED') {
							$msg = $this->l('Funds successfully captured!');
							$msg_error = false;
						} else {
							$msg = $this->l('Could not capture funds.') .' '. $this->l('Error returned by processing centre: ');
							$msg_error = true;
					} catch (Exception $ex) {
						$msg = $this->l('Could not capture funds.') .' '. $this->l('Initialization error: '). $ex->getMessage();
						$msg_error = true;

						'megapos_msg' => $msg,
						'megapos_error' => $msg_error

			'list_tx' => Transaction::fetchListByOrderId($order->id)

		return $this->display(__FILE__, 'admin_vieworder_tx.tpl');

And here's the TPL:

<div id="formTransactionsPanel" class="panel">
	<div class="panel-heading">
		<i class="icon-credit-card"></i>
		{l s="Transactions"} <span class="badge">{$list_tx|@count}</span>

	{if isset($megapos_msg)}
		<div class="alert {if ! $megapos_error}alert-success{else}alert-danger{/if}">

	<div class="table-responsive">
		<table class="table">
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Date'}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Transaction ID' mod=megapos}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Amount'}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='State'}</span></th>
					<th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Updated'}</span></th>
				{foreach $list_tx as $tx}
					<tr class="{if $tx->isPending()}warning{elseif $tx->hasFailed()}danger{/if}">
						<td>{dateFormat date=$tx->date_add full=true}</td>
						<td>{displayPrice price=$tx->amount currency=$tx->getCurrencyId()}</td>
							{if $tx->date_upd}
								{dateFormat date=$tx->date_upd full=true}
						<td class="actions">
							<form method="POST">
								<input name="tx_code" type="hidden" value="{$tx->tx_code}"/>
									{if $tx->needsCapture()}
									<button name="megapos_capture" class="btn btn-success" type="submit" onclick="if (!confirm('{l s='Are you sure you want to capture the specified amount?' mod=megapos}'))return false;">
										<i class="icon-check"></i>
										{l s='Capture' mod=megapos}
						<td class="list-empty hidden-print" colspan="6">
							<div class="list-empty-msg">
								<i class="icon-warning-sign list-empty-icon"></i>
								{l s='No transactions have been initialized' mod=megapos}





On 10/11/2015 at 11:28 AM, SlimDeluxe said:



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