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Problems with shipping costs / carriers

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Hello to all!
We recently set up an online store using Prestashop and all fine, except these shipping issues: 


Problem #1

For some reason, in some products (doesn't happen in all), the weight is not being assumed. That means that when we try to buy the product, it says "Free shipping". But it is OK in the product settings: it has weight and carrier defined.


Problem #2

When I add several items to the cart, sometimes I get the correct shipping costs, sometimes I don't because it doesn't sum the total weight of the cart. I have defined that the prices should be based on weight.


Can you please give some advice?

Thank you very much in advance




Edited by anlusisa (see edit history)
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I've the same problem but it does say 'free delivery!' no matter what. In the checkout there are no carriers avalible. It is not possible to go on with an order because 'there are no avalible carriers for the adress'


I've configured and aktivated carriers in the wisard and added weigh to the products just as the author of this tread.


I've the guest checkout enabled. I want my customer to be able to shop without creating an account. 

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