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How to get manufacturer name in Meta Title of manufacturer' products list page?

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You would no doubt have to edit your header.tpl template file. However I just tried this by changing the line:





<title>{$meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$path}</title>

The first should display the manufactor's name, the second tried to put the breadcrumb line in the title. However both failed to work. I suspect the header is loaded and parsed before the breadcrumb or manufacturer's name is known.

Unless someone else knows a clever way to make this work, then I suspect some hacks to the PHP are needed.


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oh, I bet javascript could do it, in fact it can. This is a bit of a hack, but in manufacturer.tpl place the following code

   document.title = "{$manufacturer->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}";

Edit: it seems my opening and closing javascript tags were removed. They should look like the ones here: http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/2617

This will use javascript to change the page's title.


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I have changed in header.tpl




and in manufacturer.tpl inserted code which U told (on picture). Pages with any manufacturers became empty, and title didn't change :-S


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I think there was a bit of a misunderstanding... The first way I suggested would be the best way, but it doesn't work. So there is no need to change header.tpl.

With the second way I see you copied and pasted the site I linked to, but you didn't need to copy everything on that site. You'll notice my code

document.title = "{$manufacturer->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}";

didn't have

function changeTitle(title) { ... }

with it. You should remove that it hopefully it will work.


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nobody knows how to change Meta Title in page with product list of the manufacturer (e.g. Sony) from those which set in
Back Office --> Preferences --> Appearance
(e.g. "Myshop.com - best shop in the world")

"Myshop.com - Sony"
"Sony - Myshop.com" ?

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Nothing new here? I also need that desperatly! The title-Tag should contain the manufacturer's name and the meta-description the manufacturer's description!

Google Webmaster-Tools is reporting problems because I have dozens of pages with the same title-tag!

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Welll hmmm,

Something like this should work in Tools.php in method getMetaTags

/* Products specifics meta tags */
if ($id_product = Tools::getValue('id_product'))
  $row = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
  SELECT pl.`name`, `meta_title`, `meta_description`, `meta_keywords`, m.`name` `manufacturer_name`
  FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl
  LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer_` m ON (m.id_manufacturer = pl.id_product)
  WHERE id_lang = '.intval($id_lang).' AND id_product = '.intval($id_product));
  if ($row)
     return self::completeMetaTags(self::completeMetaTags($row, $row['name'].' - '.$row['manufacturer_name']));

Not tested no warranty !

FYI metas are being created in core not in theme !!!


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Hi Gregory,

thank you - I've edited Tool.php but that is not working as it should...

<title>Product - Manufacturer - 1st Category - Sitename is what I need for single product-pages,
<title>Manufacturer - Sitename for the manufacturers and
<title>1st Category - 2nd Category - ... - Sitename</title> for category-pages

It's so important, see attatched image!

I think I'll start a new topic for all this SEO-related stuff, we've also need the meta-tags diplayed right when set for a manufacturer!


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