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Do I need to buy a Domain Name first for my e-mails to work?



Hello All,


I’m using Prestashop Cloud and at the stage now where I can receive orders and payments from the customers.


So in the Back Office >  Orders menu

I would click into an customer’s order and I will see what they have purchased etc…


In the ORDER box and on the STATUS tab I have the options to pick Shipped, Delivered etc… and then I click onto the UPDATE STATUS button, after doing so I am presented with “An error occurred while sending the e-mail to the customer”


Unsure sure why I did some research, and came to realise that I need to enter my SendinBlue details.


So I looked up some of my old emails and found my SendinBlue Login and Password.


Then in the Back Office I went to Advanced Parameters > E-mail

and near the bottom I entered them into the SMTP username and SMTP Password and left everything else alone.


I then did a test and I got “Error: Please check your configuration

Authentication failed using username ’[email protected]' and password '******'”


I read the help guide and noticed one part says “Once you have added a domain name to your PrestaShop Cloud shop, it is very important that your email parameters reflect that”…. “This is why if you have bought your domain name through our service, PrestaShop Cloud automatically updates the settings to take your primary domain name into account. In short, you have nothing to do!”


At the moment I haven’t brought a Domain Name yet, I’m still using the default one provided to me by Prestashop. So do I need to buy a Domain Name first for my e-mails to work?


Many Thanks for any help and advice.


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We found the problem. You updated the password and this new password only updated the access to sendinblue and not the SMTP password, which is still the original one (i configure your smtp with it and send it to you by private message).

We've done a test and it's ok. Tell me if it's ok on your side please

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I have no idea about Prestashop Cloud but I thought that if you use this then you would have to choose a domain name.


So, your email address would be:

sales@my domain name .com


I do not think you can use a webmail address


Once you have created your domain then,as Prestashop says, it will create your email account/s.


You should then be able to point these emails to any webmail addresses like Hotmail, Gmail etc.


I could quite possilbly have got this wrong but it's worth a shot.




PS. Have just seen Vincent has replied to your question, it would be better to listen to his advice.

Edited by Paulito (see edit history)
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You don't need to buy a domain name. Sendinblue should have worked at the beginning with your shop.

I'll try something on your shop to see if i receive an email.


Thank you Paulino and Thank you Vincent, I shall await for your advice.


Thank you

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@Paulito : I try something else and I answer to you :)


I've just tried (sorry for the test order) and I didn't receive anything while when i clicked on "send a test email" it said it works. 

Try to connect to Sendinblue website account with the login password they sent you https://www.sendinblue.com/ and if it doesn't work, they will send you another password.

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Have you received a test email saying your servers are ready to send emails, from your email address ?


@Paulito, at creation, the email address used by prestashop cloud and sendinblue is the one used for shop creation. For example i've just created a shop and my email was sent from : " [email protected] via sendinblue.com "

It's really better to use a real domain instead of his own personal address, for sure. It can be changed and when you buy a domain, you can used for example "[email protected]"

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I've just tried selecting "Never send emails (may be useful for testing purposes)"

and then did a "Send a test email" to myself and it says "A test email has been sent to the email address you provided." 

So I think it worked.


And I also just checked my e-mail and I got a message that says "This is a test message. Your server is now configured to send email."


Wondering if I did something wrong when I enter my SMTP username and SMTP password.

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Oh I forgot to mention that I tried the same username and password on the SendinBlue website and I was able to log in no problem. How ever I am still doing the Validation Steps, Do I need to complete the 3 Steps Validation for the e-mail to work in Prestashop Cloud?



Many Thanks

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Yes thank you, I've just updated my password for it now.


Just been reading the help guide and it says that because of a "DMARC policy" I can't use Yahoo/gmail

"are not allowing to send emails from third-party servers. These emails will be blocked by most Internet access providers."

"We therefore encourage you to switch for another provider for your administrator email address!" Link


Does that mean in Advanced Parameters > E-mail

near the bottom where is says "SMTP username" I shouldn't use Yahoo or Gmail accounts?



Many Thanks for any help

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