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Warning: round() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in...

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I am receiving an error message on some of the product pages.  


Warning: round() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /data01/c6968672/public_html/testshop/classes/Tools.php on line 1592



I can solve most things....eventually but this is slightly beyond me.


I have attached the Tools.php file if any experts would be kind enough to take a look.




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I've got the same problem  :(


and get also this message in b.o.


Si è verificato un errore del server durante il caricamento delle tabelle: alcune tabelle non hanno potuto essere caricate.
Prova ancora ricaricando questa pagina.
Se incontri di nuovo questo problema, controlla i logs del tuo server o contatta il tuo fornitore di hosting per avere assistenza.


What's happen? Untill yesterday or few days ago everything was ok and no changes has been on my Presta

Thanks to all



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The Line is related to


public static function ps_round($value, $precision = 0)
static $method = null;

if ($method == null)
$method = (int)Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_ROUND_MODE');

if ($method == PS_ROUND_UP)
return Tools::ceilf($value, $precision);
elseif ($method == PS_ROUND_DOWN)
return Tools::floorf($value, $precision);
return round($value, $precision);




I also have the same problem but can not figure it out myself, very frustrating. 

Do you know what is caling the issue? 

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