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attributes name under images

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Does any one know if its possible that if you select a attribute when it shows the assigned picture it can display the attributes name or the image title under it? I know when you enlarge the image it is in the light box but i would like it under the smaller image.

its on the product page i need it:

also see screen grab


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Everything is possible with a little code modification.

You could create a new div under the main image, and than modify the code (in /themes/prestashop/js/product.php) to enter the currently selected attribute name in that div.

The function that gets called when a dropdown value is changed in findCombinations(), so you would want to add your modification there.

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just wanted to add a quick update to this as I managed to get this to work for me... Jquery to the rescue.

first i added a div where i wanted the text to appear and gave it an ID (in the case altunder) then in the product.js file under function findCombination(firstTime) i added:

$('#altunder').html('' + $("#group_4 option:selected").text() + ' ');

this worked but is a bit of a bodge as it will only work for the one set of attributes,that is hard coded. im sure with a little bit more work it could be modified to look up the group number.

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