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Same product price with taxes included and excluded

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I'm setting up a new Prestashop website and I've a problem.


I've just noticed that, when editing a product, in the "Price" section if I set a tax rule and then write the price taxes ecluded, the price with the taxes included is exactly the same.


Just to be clear:




How can i solve this issue?


Thanks in advance

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I'm almost sure it isn't a javascript problem because I made some changes in the localitazion area: i've deleted all the countries, zones, provinces and taxes and then I've imported the Italian localization pack. Before these changes I didn't test if the price was working fine but I think it was.

Do you have any hint for me ?


EDIT: If I create a product, set the right taxation and set the price taxes excluded the product price showed in homepage is right (with tax included).

Edited by mirko-l (see edit history)
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Hi LeLimon,

I think there is the problem when the tax rule isn't applied to all the countries, but it can also be a problem with IDs (it could be that some country IDs are hardcoded, so when you delete a country and add another the ID is not respected, of course this is only a supposition) so I don't know.

I've chosen to import the tables from a new store (that I had already created) just because it was the quickest way for me.

To do this just use phpMyAdmin (you should find it in cpanel), export the tables from the new store and import them in the store with the problem. Be sure to import them correctly!

Bye  :D


P.S. Sorry for my bad english.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still at a loss with this. In Canada I have to charge different tax for different provinces, I made the taxes specific to the provinces as well as applied and made individual tax rules by province and noticed I still can't get taxes to update in my test carts.


This is the only thing stopping me from launching my webstore.

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