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Horizontal Top Menu Displaying Incorrect Links V1.6


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I have a multi-store setup with different CMS pages etc for each store, so the Horizontal Top Menu has to reflect this.


However, I have some categories that no matter what I do, they are displayed in shops that they should not be displayed in.


These displayed category menu items are turned off by selecting the shop in admin and going to Admin->Preferences->CMS and making sure that the displayed icon is RED. For a number of stores they are all turned off.


Clear the cache and it all makes no difference, you still get some incorrect menu items.


The main issue really is with the "Home" category. When you include the Home category in the Top Menu selector, in most cases it includes all of the sub categories for all sites not matter if they're turned on or not.


I have also gone into the categories and made sure that nothing is active within the category for a given site. Some don't even have anything in them. Still the category is displayed.


What does one do short of buying a replacement menu module?



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