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Smarty Js variables not stored


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Hello i am developing a cart module extending the default block cart module.

I add extra variables in smarty template file /modules/mymodule/sometemplate.tpl

and although after a clear cache the variables are loaded properly in header like so :

var hasDeliveryAddress = false;


When i reload the page the variable doesn't load up at all, along with my other variables. I tried for hours to find why but didn't succeed. Any enlightment on this?


All these variables from block cart dont load after second reload since template is cached.


{addJsDef img_dir=$img_dir|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}
{addJsDef generated_date=$smarty.now|intval}
{addJsDef ajax_allowed=$ajax_allowed|boolval}
{addJsDef hasDeliveryAddress=(isset($cart->id_address_delivery) && $cart->id_address_delivery)}
{addJsDefL name=customizationIdMessage}{l s='Customization #' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
{addJsDefL name=removingLinkText}{l s='remove this product from my cart' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
{addJsDefL name=freeShippingTranslation}{l s='Free shipping!' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
{addJsDefL name=freeProductTranslation}{l s='Free!' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
{addJsDefL name=delete_txt}{l s='Delete' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
{addJsDefL name=toBeDetermined}{l s='To be determined' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
{addJsDefL name=txtProduct}{l s='product' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
{addJsDefL name=txtProducts}{l s='products' js=1}{/addJsDefL}

Edited by Duskfall (see edit history)
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Extra info after ~ 10 hours of try and error:

I have only seen the products to be updated when module is attached in displayTop hook.


Mine is attached in displayInsideMenu (block top cart) and header.

If i attach it in displayTop too, i can see the difference in the two carts.


Steps to reproduce:

1) have cart block in header, displayTop and displayInsideMenu  custom hook which is inside blocktopmenu template like so :



2) inspect the two carts by removing display none in class="cart_block block exclusive" in html.


3) both product lists are same


4) add an extra item ( ajax cart enabled)


5) refresh page


6) displayTop cart has more products

Edited by Duskfall (see edit history)
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