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How to display sub-lists in admin area?


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I am writing a PS 1.6 module which uses two custom database tables, let's call them "mymodule" and "mymodule_element". for each "mymodule" entry there can be several "mymodule_element" entries.


I successfully created an AdminController (attached to a back office admin tab) to display the list of "mymodule" entries. I also enhanced the list view to enable the user to view the entry detail and the add/edit form. So far everything is by the book.


But now I'd like to display a list of "mymodule_elements" on the detail page (all entries attached to this specific "mymodule" entry). I want to enabe the user to add "mymodule_element" entries to the "mymodule" entry. What is the best / most elegant way to code this with PrestaShop 1.6?

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I'd use a custom method from your module, called from the displayForm method that's triggered on clicking each Mymodule element.

Use that to grab all mymodule_element entries from the table, where the mymodule_id matches. Then, I'd write an add method in the postProcess function, which lets your users add their own entry

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