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add custom module tab in backend


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I've created a custom module:


if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))

class mymodule extends Module
public function __construct()
$this->name = 'mymodule';
$this->tab = 'quick_bulk_update';
$this->version = '1.0.0';
$this->author = 'MYMODULE';
$this->need_instance = 0;
$this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.6', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_);
$this->bootstrap = true;


$this->displayName = $this->l('MYMODULE');
$this->description = $this->l('MYMODULE DESCRIPTION');

$this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('¿Está seguro de desinstalar este módulo?');

if (!Configuration::get('mymodule'))
$this->warning = $this->l('No se ha introducido ningún nombre');

public function install()
if (Shop::isFeatureActive())

if (!parent::install() || !Configuration::updateValue('mymodule', 'mymodule'))
return false;
return true;

public function uninstall()
if (!parent::uninstall() ||
return false;

return true;

public function getContent()
$output = null;

if (Tools::isSubmit('submit'.$this->name))
$my_module_name = strval(Tools::getValue('mymodule'));
if (!$my_module_name
|| empty($my_module_name)
|| !Validate::isGenericName($my_module_name))
$output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Valor de configuración incorrecto'));
Configuration::updateValue('mymodule', $my_module_name);
$output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Ajustes actualizados correctamente'));
return $output.$this->displayForm();

public function displayForm()
// Get default language
$default_lang = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');

// Init Fields form array
$fields_form[0]['form'] = array(
'legend' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Ajustes'),
'input' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => $this->l('Valor de configuración'),
'name' => 'mymodule',
'size' => 20,
'required' => true
'submit' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Guardar'),
'class' => 'button'

$helper = new HelperForm();

// Module, token and currentIndex
$helper->module = $this;
$helper->name_controller = $this->name;
$helper->token = Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules');
$helper->currentIndex = AdminController::$currentIndex.'&configure='.$this->name;

// Language
$helper->default_form_language = $default_lang;
$helper->allow_employee_form_lang = $default_lang;

// Title and toolbar
$helper->title = $this->displayName;
$helper->show_toolbar = true; // false -> remove toolbar
$helper->toolbar_scroll = true; // yes - > Toolbar is always visible on the top of the screen.
$helper->submit_action = 'submit'.$this->name;
$helper->toolbar_btn = array(
'save' =>
'desc' => $this->l('Guardar'),
'href' => AdminController::$currentIndex.'&configure='.$this->name.'&save'.$this->name.
'back' => array(
'href' => AdminController::$currentIndex.'&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules'),
'desc' => $this->l('Back to list')

// Load current value
$helper->fields_value['mymodule'] = Configuration::get('mymodule');

return $helper->generateForm($fields_form);


and I added a tab in backend, also for configurate the values. I did it through admin > menu of backend options. I previously created the next file:

class AdminMyModuleController extends ModuleAdminController {

public function __construct(){


And the tab named mymodule is properly displayed in the backend menu, but when I select it, the page loaded doesn't display nothing. I need display the form of the displayForm function above. This form displays when I go to modules > mymodule > configuration. And this form saves values in the ps_configuration table. In fact, I need only this form, to save some values in configuration table, anything more.

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Hi garciasanchezdani,

Try to tell me what you want exactly ? whether u need to have a form after clicking a link in menu tab you have created..


displayForm()  function will create a form in your module -> configure page. if you need to have a form in backend tab menu i can help you..


Hi @karthiiiiiiiiiik thanks you very much for your help.


Finally I solved it in this way:

class AdminMyModuleController extends ModuleAdminController {

public function __construct()
$this->bootstrap = true;
$this->className = 'Configuration';
$this->table = 'configuration';


$this->fields_options = array(
'general' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Ajustes para configurar mi modulo'),
'fields' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Identificador de cliente'),
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 20,
'required' => true
'title' => $this->l('Intervalo de ejecución (unidad)'),
'type' => 'select',
'size' => 5,
'required' => true,
'identifier' => "execution_interval_unit",
"desc" => "Indique si desea que la sincronización se realice cada x minutos, horas, días, semanas o meses.",
'list' => array(
array( "execution_interval_unit" => "1", "name" => 'Minutos' ),
array( "execution_interval_unit" => "2", "name" => 'Horas' ),
array( "execution_interval_unit" => "3", "name" => 'Días' ),
array( "execution_interval_unit" => "4", "name" => 'Semanas' ),
array( "execution_interval_unit" => "5", "name" => 'Meses' )
'title' => $this->l('Intervalo de ejecución (valor)'),
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 20,
'required' => true
'submit' => array('title' => $this->l('Save'))
Hope that this helps to other.


Edited by garciasanchezdani (see edit history)
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