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Test PrestaShop RC1!

Xavier Borderie

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The Product team is working on version, which after v1.6.1.1 is the second patch version for


Like we did for v1.6.1.1, we want to give v1.6.1.2 a solid testing phase: we are planning two weeks for feedback on the issues that were fixed. This testing phase starts today, with the availability of the first Release Candidate version, or RC1 for short.


As this is a patch version, will only fix issues – patch version are not meant to add features, only to make them work better! Therefore, it will be a very easy upgrade from and


Of particular interest is the fact that this version fixes a long-standing issue of slowness in the back-office. We really, really, really need your feedback on this one! Is it really fixed in all situations? Does your slowness issue remain the same? Let us know!


Read more about it on the Build devblog!

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Upgraded my dev version. Spinning buttons problems still available and it is worse than before....


I had on my nginx after optimization 2-3 seconds for to release the buttons, now they don't release on Chrome anymore. For to test FF I need to log to another machine and give you my verdict tomorrow. Other pages/settings are fast (under 1-2 seconds), but this is like before for me....

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I confirm that the spinning buttons problem on product editing site is still available also in FF. For Chrome they do not release at all, FF and Opera they take 2-5 seconds for to release. This point was debugged for RC1 ??


Speed for other pages seems that they are working a little bit faster (for me all under 1 second - 0,3 to 0,8 seconds). The longest one is the module listing page, average of 1,8 seconds on FF. Opera and Chrome little bit faster 1,3 seconds only.


Edited: tested on a native PS - not on a cloned shop.

Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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Product Comparison page display blank. If i disable "social sharing" module then product comparison working fine.



BTW: 1-Click Upgrade report "your current version of Prestashop is PS v1.6.1.2", the upgrade of rc version will be possible?



I confirm that the spinning buttons problem on product editing site is still available.


Best regards

Edited by ListwySamochodowe.pl (see edit history)
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the slow loading time of the back-office products page is still there in version


With this change i resolved it in https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/7e891c594e3cc8b48aea0a57ed674189abc19493


In i can repair it by removing  the next function in classes/controller/AdminController.php :


  public function ajaxProcessGetModuleQuickView()
        $modules = Module::getModulesOnDisk();


from line 4303 to 4338.


Greetings Kuipje

Edited by kuipje (see edit history)
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  On 9/25/2015 at 5:20 PM, kuipje said:



the slow loading time of the back-office products page is still there in version


With this change i resolved it in https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/7e891c594e3cc8b48aea0a57ed674189abc19493


In i can repair it by removing  the next function in classes/controller/AdminController.php :


  public function ajaxProcessGetModuleQuickView()


        $modules = Module::getModulesOnDisk();


from line 4303 to 4338.


Greetings Kuipje

The slow loading time you are having is for all pages of the back office, or only the module listing page ?

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  On 9/25/2015 at 5:20 PM, kuipje said:



the slow loading time of the back-office products page is still there in version


With this change i resolved it in https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/7e891c594e3cc8b48aea0a57ed674189abc19493


In i can repair it by removing the next function in classes/controller/AdminController.php :


public function ajaxProcessGetModuleQuickView()


$modules = Module::getModulesOnDisk();


from line 4303 to 4338.


Greetings Kuipje

I'm afraid this doesn't work for me. Buttons are still spinning.


But this older patch for still works like a charm, even with https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/393218-16011-problem-with-saving-products/page-7?do=findComment&comment=1996792


Just open all concerned tpl-files of /admin-dir/themes/default/template/controllers/products with notepad++ and use option Replace in all opened documents and change in panel-footer

<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button>


<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button>

by removing disabled="disabled" and modifying class="process-icon-loading" into class="process-icon-save".

Edited by eleazar  (see edit history)
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I must say that I am totally satisfied with this PS version RC1 when it comes to speed in both Back Office and Front Office and all these improvements that are made.


Thanks to the entire PrestaShop team and all the participants! Continue your good work, it looks very promising!


Best regards


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Serait-il possible d'avoir des réponses à certaines choses curieuses de la ?

Je dois dire que certaines difficultés auxquelles je suis confrontée ne m'incitent guère à aller jouer dans la cour de la

Au passage, quand je suis passé de la à la, les packs de langue n'avaient pas suivi, ce qui a créé des erreurs de mises à jour.
Certains packs de langue ne se chargeaient pas depuis l'interface languages de Presta (IT notamment - OK ensuite).

L'instllation du l'anglais UK installait obstinément l'anglais US...

Il m'a fallu aller chercher les packs.zip de ma sauvegarde pour contourner le problème.


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I have never found so many bugs in the same edition as the PS RC2


I have reported them. But what is happening? Have half the team quit?



You expect of course that the bugs that were previously reported to be fixed, but instead, it pops up new ...


A very tired and sad bug reporter ...





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Today tested PS RC3.  -


- Spinning buttons problem on product admin site still available on FF and Chrome (on both now Chrome buttons don't release anymore, on FF only after some seconds).


- Back-office in general very fast - 0,1 seconds to 0,8 seconds. Modules list average load about 1,5 to 2 seconds.


- Front office loose of some points in average load !!! What happened ? My products opening in about 5 seconds (before round 1 second). Category list page opening now about 4-6 seconds (before 2-3 seconds),. PS RC1 was better in speed for the front-office.


Functionalities I didn't tested, cause this topic was created for to check the speed performance.


Tested on a native shop with models and no change of settings. The only module extra installed is the AdvancedEUCompliance.

Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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  selectshop.at said:

- Spinning buttons problem on product admin site still available on FF and Chrome (on both now buttons don't release anymore)


- Back-office in general very fast - 0,1 seconds to 0,8 seconds. Modules list average load about 1,5 to 2 seconds.



https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/370087-module-tab-very-slow-loadnig-and-no-module-update/?do=findComment&comment=2023117 ;)

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  On 10/6/2015 at 9:21 PM, eleazar  said:

I read this, but it is not a solution for a released official version. Personally I didn't tried the fixes and I think that Prestashop should work on this for the next official release, since this problem is available on all 1.6.x versions, so one whole series of a version.

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  On 10/6/2015 at 6:09 PM, selectshop.at said:

Today tested PS RC3.  -


- Spinning buttons problem on product admin site still available on FF and Chrome (on both now buttons don't release anymore)


- Back-office in general very fast - 0,1 seconds to 0,8 seconds. Modules list average load about 1,5 to 2 seconds.


- Front office loose of some points in average load !!! What happened ? My products opening in about 5 seconds (before round 1 second). Category list page opening now about 4-6 seconds (before 2-3 seconds),. PS RC1 was better in speed for the front-office.


Functionalities I didn't tested, cause this topic was created for to check the speed performance.


Tested on a native shop with models and no change of settings. The only module extra installed is the AdvancedEUCompliance.


On my install, the buttons do release in about 6 seconds, so it looks a bit better. Did you turn on firebug on FF? If so, what did it say?

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  On 10/7/2015 at 8:36 AM, bannerclick said:

On my install, the buttons do release in about 6 seconds, so it looks a bit better. Did you turn on firebug on FF? If so, what did it say?

Sorry, my bad. I editted my phrase before saving. For Chrome the buttons don't release. And ouf course on FF they release after some time only.

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...and we're now on to RC2 RC3 for Give us your feedbacks!


We had a false start yesterday with an RC2 that turned out to have issues of its own. The main one was corrected on the fly, and two others were fixed this morning, hence the RC3 already.

Several PRs from our team members were merged Monday morning in order to have their fix make it into as soon as possible, and we tend to trust our co-workers so there were little tests on these code changes. Turns out we should have tested before we packaged the RC2. Sorry for those who stumbled on a white screen! We'll do our best to make up for it.


Another issue is that I undertstood that the slowness issue with fixed already. I'm sad to say it's not, at least not for everyone. Sure, the back office is faster in most situations (notably those store with a good host), but the Save & Stay button still takes several minutes on some server configurations. We are still trying to understand why

The main ticket for this issue is MacRoy's, but there are others. Still, that ticket lists a handful of patches that you can apply to try to correct your issues:

They have all been merged in the 1.6.1.x branch, and are therefore part of the RCs.


Hence, we need more data: help us track this down! How? This way:

  • Send us the information given by the Developer Mode!
  • Check with your host that mod_evasive and/or mod-security are not enabled!
  • If your situation is dramatic (good server, sloooooow back office), send us a PM with a temporary access to your back office and FTP, please!

As a reminder: the reason why that button got slow a few months ago was a mix of several concomitant items:

  • The Product page has several tabs.
  • Clicking the Save button saves the whole product, therefore all the tabs.
  • If not all tabs are loaded at the moment the button is clicked (typically: load product page, quickly change one detail, save), there is an error. See PSCSX-1257.
  • The solution? Prevent form submission until all tabs are loaded, and thus, disable the button while the tabs are loading. Here goes: PSCFV-12359.
  • The consequence? On some server configurations (mostly the cheap ones, mostly), clicking on the Save button triggers several synchronous Ajax calls to the server, effectively preventing the button from releasing as soon as it is clicked.

Now please note this is what I gather from tickets and feedbacks from the developers -- not everything might be correct. What I am sure of is that we NEED your real-life feedback (and possible access to your store) in order to gather more information; without that, we're effectively debugging in the blind.


Also, quick note:

  • Button not releasing? Your server might have sent an HTTP 500 error. Please check your logs. Use the Dev mode. You might need to upgrade your server...
  • Display taking a few more seconds than in a previous release? PrestaShop's cache might be building, it should get back to the usual time sooner than later.

Again, please help us with feedbacks! We DO want this fixed!


Thank you for your patience in dealing with this issue.

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As I told before the same scenario for RC3 - Buttons on FF and Opera releases after 2-5 seconds, BUT they don't release on Chrome browser. There are no error logs on server with reference to this problem.


Server main features:

php 5.6.10,






nginx 1.6.0-1.14060313.ubuntu1404,

mysql 5.5.43


php-fpm - not installed

mod_evasive - not installed,

mod_security not installed.


Back-office settings:

Apache optimization = YES

Disable apache multiviews = YES

CCC al to YES.

Cache is disabled, as not supported anymore (problem already cleared when PS 1.6.1. was released).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


We have just released RC4. It is available here: https://www.prestash...lopers-versions


Most notably, it contains a commit which makes tab load asynchronous. It might not be the best solution for every situation, but we do think that it is a significant step towards solving that slowness issue in most cases.


We NEED your feedback on this RC4!

If you have intolerable slowness, please test this RC4, and tell us if the loading time is faster. If on the contrary it gets worse (taking into account the update of the cache), please let us know too!


Thank you very much for your help.

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  On 10/23/2015 at 5:10 PM, Xavier Borderie said:

Hi everyone,


We have just released RC4. It is available here: https://www.prestash...lopers-versions


Most notably, it contains a commit which makes tab load asynchronous. It might not be the best solution for every situation, but we do think that it is a significant step towards solving that slowness issue in most cases.


We NEED your feedback on this RC4!

If you have intolerable slowness, please test this RC4, and tell us if the loading time is faster. If on the contrary it gets worse (taking into account the update of the cache), please let us know too!


Thank you very much for your help.

With one click upgrade: Congratulations, you are already using the latest version available!


Can you change that?

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