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Use module in all template


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I make my module with own text field. In conf page i have 3 text input, and in module .tpl i can use it., but now, i would like can use variables and function from my module in all template. My module should be availability like front controller.


Maybe i need make function in my module that can copy code to front controller ?


Thanks for answers.



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so you mean is you want to get value from 3 inputs, then use them in all template files?

you can do it:

- hook to displayHeader

- in this hook use $this->context->smarty->assign for send variables to template, so you can use there variables for any TPL file in template because this is global.

remember us $this->context->smarty->assign 

NOT $this->smarty->assign

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Hi taydotech :)


Maybe it have sense.


Before i only write something in front controller (function) and result print with 'echo'. In template i use


or write module,  create variable with hook function

'var' => Configuration::get('VAR'),

, but second way work only in module template.


I make what you say, add module to hook header, but what is next ? I still can't use variables outside module template. Now i can only make separate function for each variable ? How can i display result this function ? And how you taydotech display function results ? With echo ?


Thanks for answer and patience :)






I used excatly in left hook function

$this->context->smarty->assign(     array(
         'my_module_name' => Configuration::get('MYMODULE_NAME'),
but i can use it only in my module tpl, i cant use it for example in block categories in left column.
I have below 
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'mymodule.tpl');

maybe this restrict display my variables ?

Edited by Skayfer (see edit history)
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