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[SOLVED] My Alerts in Account area leads to blank page...

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We recently enabled the "Mail Alerts" module for our shop using 1.2.5.

In the user account area when clicking the mail alerts link it brings up a blank page:

Are there any known issues with this module out of the box?

Prestashop debugging is so tough because most errors end up in a blank page w/ no error messages... Maybe I'm missing something?

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This is a known bug in Prestashop v1.2.5 that has been fixed in the latest version. See the bug report here for the solution.

You can modify config/config.inc.php and change 'display_errors' from 'off' to 'on' whenever you want to see error messages instead of just a blank page. Remember to change it back when you're finished though, since the error messages reveal the full path of your site, which could be used to identify the username of your site.

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