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Import CSV but without name required


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I have about 5000 products and have traslated the names of my products from on language to another.

Now I need to update the price but as the name-field is required when importing the CVS-file all my translations will be lost.


Is there a way in Prestashop to make the required name field not a required field?


I saw a solution regarding a older version of Prestashop but this solution does not work with the


I want to be able only to import the ID and price or the ID and quantity.


Please help :-)


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I use Force all ID numbers YES

And get this error:

  1. No Name (ID: 5900511146042) cannot be saved
  2. No Name (ID: 7340028715382) cannot be saved
  3. No Name (ID: 3275056935744) cannot be saved
  4. No Name (ID: 7330786041212) cannot be saved
  5. No Name (ID: 8058664008209) cannot be saved
  6. No Name (ID: 7332599007232) cannot be saved

My product referens contains letters and numbers and - so I got errors when I tried "Use product reference as key"


Edited by Dunald (see edit history)
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