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Issue: 1 product in stock, 2 buyers ---> -1 product in stock

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Hello everybody,


I have an issue : When a product is almost out-of-stock (when only one stands), if two clients buy it at the same time, the payment is available for both… and I am in trouble.


To detail the issue: I only accept direct payment by card or PayPal. The client A and the client B want to buy the same product (at the same time)... but it is the last one in stock. The client A starts the order 60 seconds before the client B. If the client B reach the payment method's selection page (step 5) before the client A ended up his payment, the client B will be free to end up his payment too. At the end, the client A and the client B paid for the product, and my stock is at -1!


I specify that I use the stock management but not the advanced stock management. And I do not allow ordering of out-of-stock products.


Did some of you have the same issue? Do you have any idea to solve my problem?


Thank you in advance for every answer.




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