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Upload a file after an order

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I would like to create a website like printcarrier.com for a printer.

There's no problem to create a website with joomla and install virtuemart.

The printer wants to create products like flyer, poster, business cards, etc.
The client order an item and valid his cart, pay...

After that, he has the opportunity to upload the files for his businness card.

The printer receives the order with a link to download the file and see if it's ok. After that, he confirms the order and send it.

Is it possible? There is an extension to do this?

I'm french and I hope that I've been clear.

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When adding a product, click on the “5. Customization” tab, then enter 1 as the number of “File fields”. The user should then be able to upload an image to be put

This happens while a customer is adding a product to the cart rather than during checkout, but it sounds like it is what you want. You will have to do this for every product in your store.

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