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Order email, doing math calculations with the smarty variables?

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In the mails folder there's lots of cool html templates which are used for the emails which presta shop sends out. I am wanting to add a text field to 'order_conf.html' which basically does a calculation on the price, divides it by 11 and displays the result in another field. Using HTML and smarty in this document, how would this be possible?

It seems in this document I can only use certain varaibles, for example.

But as soon as I type in a variable that it doesn't recognise it displays it as text.

I've tried this but it just displays as text:

{math equation="total_paid / 11}

I even tried going into Order.php in the classes folder and attempted to do the calculation there and send in a new variable, however when I tried to send in a new variable I get a hack attempt error, and I think it doesn't like me doing that.

Any ideas?

Thank you very much!


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You cannot do it that way, you need to set a new variable in the same place that {total_paid} gets set.
In there, you will be able to do math calculations.

{total_paid} is not a smarty code, it's a swift email "code"

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Thank you, when I set a new variable where total_paid is defined and pass it through with the array of other variables, I get the hack attempt error. Any ideas how I might go about fixing this?

Can you paste the original code and the changes you made?
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I made some small changes to 'Orders.php', I am attempting to get the variable total_GST passed through, even if it holds the same value as the price.

It seems as soon as I make changes to $fieldsRequired, $fieldsSize and $fieldsValidate it gives me the hack attempt report.

Thank you! Here are the changes:

   /** @var float Total really paid */
   public         $total_GST;

   /** @var float Total to pay */
   public         $total_paid;

   protected    $fieldsRequired = array('id_address_delivery', 'id_address_invoice', 'id_cart', 'id_currency', 'id_lang', 'id_customer', 'id_carrier', 'payment', 'total_GST', 'total_paid', 'total_paid_real', 'total_products');
   protected    $fieldsSize = array('payment' => 33);
   protected    $fieldsValidate = array(
       'id_address_delivery' => 'isUnsignedId',
       'id_address_invoice' => 'isUnsignedId',
       'id_cart' => 'isUnsignedId',
       'id_currency' => 'isUnsignedId',
       'id_lang' => 'isUnsignedId',
       'id_customer' => 'isUnsignedId',
       'id_carrier' => 'isUnsignedId',
       'secure_key' => 'isMd5',
       'payment' => 'isGenericName',
       'recyclable' => 'isBool',
       'gift' => 'isBool',
       'gift_message' => 'isMessage',
       'total_discounts' => 'isPrice',
       'total_GST' => 'isPrice',
       'total_paid' => 'isPrice',
       'total_paid_real' => 'isPrice',
       'total_products' => 'isPrice',
       'total_shipping' => 'isPrice',
       'total_wrapping' => 'isPrice',
       'shipping_number' => 'isUrl'

   public function getFields()

       $fields['id_address_delivery'] = intval($this->id_address_delivery);
       $fields['id_address_invoice'] = intval($this->id_address_invoice);
       $fields['id_cart'] = intval($this->id_cart);
       $fields['id_currency'] = intval($this->id_currency);
       $fields['id_lang'] = intval($this->id_lang);
       $fields['id_customer'] = intval($this->id_customer);
       $fields['id_carrier'] = intval($this->id_carrier);
       $fields['secure_key'] = pSQL($this->secure_key);
       $fields['payment'] = pSQL($this->payment);
       $fields['module'] = pSQL($this->module);
       $fields['recyclable'] = intval($this->recyclable);
       $fields['gift'] = intval($this->gift);
       $fields['gift_message'] = pSQL($this->gift_message);
       $fields['shipping_number'] = pSQL($this->shipping_number);
       $fields['total_discounts'] = floatval($this->total_discounts);
       $fields['total_GST'] = floatval($this->total_paid);
       $fields['total_paid'] = floatval($this->total_paid);
       $fields['total_paid_real'] = floatval($this->total_paid_real);
       $fields['total_products'] = floatval($this->total_products);
       $fields['total_shipping'] = floatval($this->total_shipping);
       $fields['total_wrapping'] = floatval($this->total_GST);
       $fields['invoice_number'] = intval($this->invoice_number);
       $fields['delivery_number'] = intval($this->delivery_number);
       $fields['invoice_date'] = pSQL($this->invoice_date);
       $fields['delivery_date'] = pSQL($this->delivery_date);
       $fields['valid'] = intval($this->valid) ? 1 : 0;
       $fields['date_add'] = pSQL($this->date_add);
       $fields['date_upd'] = pSQL($this->date_upd);

       return $fields;

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You are trying to change the wrong place.

The email variables for the order confirmations are set in /classes/PaymentModule.php

Line 330 is

'{total_paid}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid, $currency, false, false),

You can add

'{total_paid}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid, $currency, false, false),
'{total_GSM}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid / 10, $currency, false, false),

I used / 10, but you can use any math calculation you need.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

I need the email variables for the order confirmationsPrestashop 2.5 when the order total is divided by 3,

example :


=> order total : 99£

=> 99/3 = 33£


In the email confirmation order :



" Dear custommer


Your paid 33£ per month"


An then, if the total order is 100€


=> 100£/3 = 33.33£


" Dear custommer


Your paid 33,33£ per month"

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  • 10 months later...

Sorry for a long time


I test follow instructions but doesn't work .


I changed version of prestashop. I'm 1.4.8.


In PaymentModule.php i add :


'{total_GSM}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid/3, $currency, false),


But in the mail automatic "Waiting for payment"



is not convert .


To remember, i would like divide {total-paid} in the email customer's when he pass order

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