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[Resolved] Google Analytics does not track all visits

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I use the official Analytics module to tracking visit bat i can't see all visits. Internal statistics say that last month I had 50,000 visits while analytics says they are only 400.


In addition to this Analytics reports only on the home page visitors but customers have visited products and pages and have also purchased.


Any idea why I have these problems?




This is my configuration:

Prestashop with official Google Analytics module updated to the latest version

Edited by gioeleslfierro (see edit history)
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Do you have the Google Tag Assistant plug in for Google Chrome browser? If you install it, it will show whether the analytics code is working properly.


I use, and there is a problem with the analytics module that renders it useless when JavaScript is placed at the bottom of the page (in the back office "performance" section).


If you disable the option to move Javascript to the bottom I expect you'll see a huge change.


Hopefully there will be a solution to this soon!

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Hi Garyjj127, thanks for the suggestion.

Yep, Google Tag Assistant lights green on all the product pages but not in the home page of the website where it says "no HTTP response detected" (but if I right click>view source the analytics code is there)... Conversely if I go to Google Analytics it's reporting the homepage only...   :wacko:

The move js to bottom was already switched off in my performance section.

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Maybe you can have any of these problems.


1.- If you upgraded the module, remember to clear the PS cache.

2.- If you have PS1.6 or over, take in count the performance CCC option, "Move Javascript to the end" With this option enabled you can lost almost all bounces rates.

3.- A bug on your Analytics module version. The best way, is restore to your last stable version.


For check your analytics tracking is convenient to install the extensions Tag Assistant, and Google Analytics Debugger, with this last one you can debug the data sent to GA.


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  • 4 months later...

Thanks garyjj127 and Presta-Lab.

The older Ganalytics V1.4 worked!

I've also found a more recent V1.8.2 that works fine too...

This is the link: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=115874


using and I found that V1.4 worked too, this was after rolling back from a version that was around 2.3. I did this because the Tag assistant was displaying red on homepage and cart (although it had been reporting the correct data back)


so i figured id go ahead and try the slightly newer version you posted a link too, however the link seems to be dead now  :wacko:

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using and I found that V1.4 worked too, this was after rolling back from a version that was around 2.3. I did this because the Tag assistant was displaying red on homepage and cart (although it had been reporting the correct data back)


so i figured id go ahead and try the slightly newer version you posted a link too, however the link seems to be dead now  :wacko:


well, it turns out that the 2.3.4 module worked afterall, it just needed to be reset, so for anyone scratching their head wondering why, just hit the reset button  ;)

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