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3 Insecure Images, Would {$base_dir_ssl} solve this image slider issue? Prestashop

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Number of insecure items: 3
Insecure URL: http://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/3.jpg
Found in: https://www.removed.com/
Insecure URL: http://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/2.jpg
Found in: https://www.removed.com/
Insecure URL: http://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/1.jpg
Found in: https://www.removed.com/

I tried to fix this smarty code

 <img style ="display:none" src="{$slide.image}"  data-transition="boxRainReverse" data-thumb="{$slide.image}"  alt="" title="#htmlcaption{$slide.id_pos_slideshow}"  />

with this code / example below.

 <img style ="display:none" src="{$base_dir_ssl}img/blockslideshow/{$slide.image}"  data-transition="boxRainReverse" data-thumb="{$slide.image}"  alt="" title="#htmlcaption{$slide.id_pos_slideshow}"  />

Not sure what I am doing wrong but it cerrtainly does not work. This adds double // and breaks the slider images where I can no longer see them.


I will provide the complete template file for you as well.

<br /><br />
{if $page_name == 'index'}
    <div class="pos-slideshow-container">
	<div class="flexslider ma-nivoslider">
        <div class="pos-loading"><i class="icon-spinner"></i></div>
            <div id="pos-slideshow-home" class="slides">
                {foreach from=$slides key=key item=slide}
                    <img style ="display:none" src="{$slide.image}"  data-transition="boxRainReverse" data-thumb="{$slide.image}"  alt="" title="#htmlcaption{$slide.id_pos_slideshow}"  />
            {if $slideOptions.show_caption != 0}
                {foreach from=$slides key=key item=slide}
                    <div id="htmlcaption{$slide.id_pos_slideshow}" class="pos-slideshow-caption nivo-html-caption nivo-caption">
                            <div class="pos-slideshow-title">
                            <div class="pos-slideshow-des">
                            {if $slide.link}
                            <div class="pos-slideshow-readmore">
                                <a href="{$slide.link}" {l s=('Read more') mod= 'posslideshow'}>{l s=('Read more') mod= 'posslideshow'}</a>	

 <script type="text/javascript">
    $(window).load(function() {
			effect: '{if $slideOptions.animation_type != ''}{$slideOptions.animation_type}{else}random{/if}',
			slices: 15,
			boxCols: 8,
			boxRows: 4,
			animSpeed: '{if $slideOptions.animation_speed != ''}{$slideOptions.animation_speed}{else}600{/if}',
			pauseTime: '{if $slideOptions.pause_time != ''}{$slideOptions.pause_time}{else}5000{/if}',
			startSlide: {if $slideOptions.start_slide != ''}{$slideOptions.start_slide}{else}0{/if},
			directionNav: {if $slideOptions.show_arrow != 0}{$slideOptions.show_arrow}{else}false{/if},
			controlNav: {if $slideOptions.show_navigation != 0}{$slideOptions.show_navigation}{else}false{/if},
			controlNavThumbs: false,
			pauseOnHover: true,
			manualAdvance: false,
			prevText: '<i class="icon-angle-left"></i>',
			nextText: '<i class="icon-angle-right"></i>',
                        afterLoad: function(){
                        beforeChange: function(){ 
                            $('.pos-slideshow-title, .pos-slideshow-des').css("left","-100%" );
                        afterChange: function(){ 
                            $('.pos-slideshow-title, .pos-slideshow-des, .pos-slideshow-readmore').css("left","100px") 

What am I doing wrong? Prestashop


Thank you in advance for any of your time.


Edited by Billy (see edit history)
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Uncaught TypeError: $(...).fancybox is not a function
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/7.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/3.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/9.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/6.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/8.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/4.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/1.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/5.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/http://www.removed.com/img/blocklogo/2.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/http://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/3.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/http://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/1.jpg 404 (Not Found)
GET https://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/http://www.removed.com/img/blockslideshow/2.jpg 404 (Not Found)



Maybe I did not explain my issue correctly.

In the back office ( General >> Preferences ) I have ( Enable SSL on all pages )


In the chrome browser I have the https green padlock now showing again with the code example I used in my other post.


*** My issue according to chrome console is the images are not found. ***

It seems the code I used in my templates is now pulling this double URL.

What have I done wrong? Do I need to add something else for prestashop to find the images again?


BTW I have this issue in two differrent modules now. Plus some kind of wierd fancybox error which I think is unrelated.


You can see the results of my trying to fix it. Man... How can I solve this issue? Thank you

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It seams that  {$slide.image} holds full url of image so you cant use it like that. Try this instead


Or better find in php code where slide.image is made and saved.

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It seams that  {$slide.image} holds full url of image so you cant use it like that. Try this instead


Or better find in php code where slide.image is made and saved.


Your solution worked for that module... You rock!


I have one more module template to fix. I have guessed around but still not able to come up with the correct snippet.


Here is that template for the other errors.

<div class="pos-logo-container pos_animated">	
		<div class="container-inner">
			<div class="pos-logo">
				<div class="pos-logo-title fx-fadeInDown"><h2>{l s='Our Brands' mod='poslogo'}</h2></div>
				<div class="pos-conten-logo">
					<div class="bxslider fx-fadeInUp">
						{foreach from=$logos item=logo name=posLogo}
							<div class="item">
							    <a href ="{$logo.link}">
									<img src ="{$base_dir_ssl}img/blocklogo/{$logo.image}" alt ="{l s='Logo'}" />
					<a class="prevLogo"><i class="icon-angle-left"></i></a>
					<a class="nextLogo"><i class="icon-angle-right"></i></a>

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(document).ready(function() {
		var owl = $(".bxslider");
		items :{$slideOptions.min_item},
		itemsDesktop : [1000,5],
		itemsDesktopSmall : [900,4], 
		itemsTablet: [600,4], 
		itemsMobile : [480,2]
		// Custom Navigation Events


As you can see i tried my same fix but it did not work...

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<img src ="{$base_dir_ssl}img/blocklogo/{$logo.id_pos_logo}.jpg" alt ="{l s='Logo'}" />

I found the right combination to get the other module fixed. 


Thanks once again razaro! With out your help I would had to ask Plaza-Themes aka PosThemes and what a nightmare that has turned out to be.


The only thing they know is send me your ftp and admin login and we will fix. They wont update their own themes even tho they have the code. They will never get my logins or business again.


They should be banned from themeforest.

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Glad to hear that worked and sorry if you have bad experience with them.


But most developers would ask for ftp and admin login to fix issue as it is quicker for most

and some do not want to bother client. Of course client have right to choose way of 

support. Also if you giving some login, do prepare test one that is disabled most of the

time. And for admin also you have option to limit access of back office. 

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Glad to hear that worked and sorry if you have bad experience with them.


But most developers would ask for ftp and admin login to fix issue as it is quicker for most

and some do not want to bother client. Of course client have right to choose way of 

support. Also if you giving some login, do prepare test one that is disabled most of the

time. And for admin also you have option to limit access of back office. 


I hear what your saying man. But darn all they need to do is update the download package on theme forest. Instead they refuse to do so. When they do update it, it has new theme but not the bug fixes. Why cause so many issues in their ticket system? All they need to do is update the themes. Pretty simple and all the other devs do this on theme forest.


Take for Example the Author: DigitalAtelier on Theme Forest. I purchased the "Journal" theme from them for Opencart. This Author is one of the best I have seen. They update there code to improve their themes. The update the themes to fix the bugs. They know how to take care of their customers. PosThemes has no concept and does not care. Read all of the post on their themes. They always say Open Ticket & send me your ftp and admin login and we will fix. My lord what a racket they have.


< End Topic />

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Pardel 


welcome to the forum, file in this case is header.tpl.


But you did not give much info.


So open new topic and give more info.

I did find that theme on themeforest but who knows what ssl errors  you got.

Also include your Prestashop version and link to your website.

And generally you can check https errors in Chrome dev tools in console tab.

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  • 1 year later...

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