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Help configuring Multistore with 2 domains

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I'm seeking advice/suggestions on how to correctly configure PS and domains for a Multistore environment. I tried by myself but got into trouble yesterday and I spent almost a day bringing back to normal BO and FO.


So here the target scenario:


Have one SSL domain/multilanguage shop (www.beautykosm.ch) with product catalogue having prices for my end-user customer. This is currently up and running well. Based on PS and Warehouse theme. MySql Version 5.6.19.


Have another domain/multilanguage shop (www.alemaproshop.ch) with the same product catalogue of the one above but different prices (and promos) to be accessed by my retail customers.


Both shops should use the same theme (Warehouse) and have the same categories/product attributes, features, vendors and sincronized quantities.


Customers and Orders do not need to be shared among the two stores.


After reading documentation and forums I thought that Multistore was the way to go. So this is what I've done but unfortunately it made both BO and FO of beautykosm non accessible anymore with loop redirection on the browser. Eventually I managed to go back to a stable situation but still I've my Multistore to set-up,


1) Opened the domain alemaproshop.ch on the same provider where beautykosm.ch is hosted. That means both domains have the same Name Servers:




2) The domain configurations are as follow:


Target path=/beautykosm.ch


*.beautykosm.ch. Type=A Target=auto

www.beautykosm.ch. Type=A Target= (these IP are there after enabling SSL)

beautykosm.ch. Type=A Target=



Target path=/

​Target url=


*.alemaproshop.ch. Type=A Target=auto

www.alemaproshop.ch. Type=A Target=auto

alemaproshop.ch. Type=A Target=auto 


2) Enabled Multistore on beautykosm.ch

3) Default group created and renamed Alema Pro. Beautykosm.ch is showing as master store with www.beautykosm.ch as URL.

4) Within the same group I create a new store to which I gave the name AP Profi Shop. Category root was Home and I associated all the available categories in beautykosm to it. I also selected the same Warehouse theme I'm using on beautykosm for the new store and all the import possibilities were selected. The new store was correctly created after few minutes (I've almost 1000 products). 

5) Setting up the URL for the new store. On the Domain name I inserted www.alemaproshop.ch, on Domain SSL nothing and on Physical URL I just typed /. No Virtual URL and my final URL for the new shop became http://www.alemaproshop.ch. The Main URL switch was set to YES. 

As a result the following .htaccess file (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12125376/.htaccess) was created and the following entries in the DB that can be seen in the attached jpg files.


The problem as I wrote earlier is that after these steps nothing worked at all both in the BO and FO and when trying to access those I was getting  ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Infinite Loop Redirection on the browser.


What am I doing wrong? What am I not doing? Maybe should I put the other store/domain in a separate group? If yes can the two store still share the same catalogue, categories, features and product quantities? Maybe doing something wrong on the host configuration? Maybe SSL on one domain and not on the other could create problems?


Thanks for your support.







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at the end of the day...if you don't have cpanel(park)/plesk(alias), then you will need hosting or dns [spam-filter] to help you mimick one of these...and don't forget previous post where I stated you did not have the ssl domain set properly.....the problem is obvious that it's 'not' PrestaShop....look forward to hearing some progress...thanks, el

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Well status is...that is now finally working!
But, as often happens, it did not went like the manual was saying, or to better say, the manual did not mention all the possible corner cases.


In my situation where my host provider does not provide either cpanel or plesk admin consoles, I had to play with the setting available and at the end what it worked is the following:



Target path=/beautykosm.ch


DNS - Hostname

beautykosm.ch. Type=A Target= (is the IP address of the SSL certificate provider)

www.beautykosm.ch. Type=A Target= (is the IP address of the SSL certificate provider)

*.beautykosm.ch. Type=A Target=auto



Target path=/beautykosm.ch


DNS - Hostname 

*.alemaproshop.ch. Type=A Target=auto

www.alemaproshop.ch. Type=A Target=auto

alemaproshop.ch. Type=A Target=auto


Then, the exact sequence of my actions within the PS Admin have been (maybe some of these were not necessary but in my case nothing hurted):


1) Deleted the alemaproshop store I previously created within the same group of the beautykosm.ch store.

2) DIsabled the Multistore option

3) Deleted the .htaccess file

4) Cleaned the cache

5) Switch off and then on the Friendly Url (to recreate a new .htaccess file)

6) Re enabled the multistore 

7) Create again the alemaproshop.ch store within the same group of beautykosm.ch store importing all the data as well and using the same theme (Warehouse)

8) Typed-in the following URL parameters for alemaproshop.ch:

Domain: www.alemaproshop.ch

SSL domain: www.alemaproshop.ch

Physical URL: /

NO Virtual URL

9) When all this was done it worked although I had still to do one thing. Because my master store (beautykosm.ch) had SLL certificate I had to go to Preferences/General and disable the SSL options only for the alemaproshop.ch store.


Still, within the second store, there have been problems with the theme configuration (different buttons colors, fonts, layout, etc) but most of them went away going into the various theme modules and simply clicking the Save button (without doing anything else) obviously making sure to perform this actions on the second store. For whatever reason this was like a Reset without loosing all the customizations done. 


Still some work to do but at least it seem now working (at least at first glance).


Thanks for your interest EL Patron (and soon will buy your module Private Shop Authorized Clients Only).


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  • 3 months later...

Hello mcaporossi


I am trying to configure my two shops but it is driving me crazy... 


may I ask you pls to tell me how you did delete the created group in PS? your first step in your sequence:


1) Deleted the alemaproshop store I previously created within the same group of the beautykosm.ch store.


In PS multistore there is no way to delete groups.


1) Deleted the alemaproshop store I previously created within the same group of the beautykosm.ch store.   HOW?

2) DIsabled the Multistore option

3) Deleted the .htaccess file  WHERE?  ARE YOU WITH HOSPOINT IN SWITZERLAND?

4) Cleaned the cache

5) Switch off and then on the Friendly Url (to recreate a new .htaccess file)  HOW DID YOU DO THAT?


Thanks in advance for your help!



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