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Manual login


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I have to create a new custom page for login. It is an external page which makes a post to a php script in my module which checks password and email and if they are correct it redirect to the homepage. Instead the login doesn0t happen and the homepage is served as a gueast. I have checked email and password, so I know everything about the customer.


This is the code, where is the error?


Thanks :)

$context = Context::getContext();
$customer = new CustomerCore();
if (isset($_REQUEST['email']) && isset($_REQUEST['pass'])) {
    if (ValidateCore::isEmail($_REQUEST['email']) && ValidateCore::isPasswd($_REQUEST['pass'])) {
        if ($customer->getByEmail($_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['pass'])) {
            $customer->logged = true;
            $context->customer = $customer;
            $cookie = $context->cookie;
            $cookie->id_customer = $customer->id;
            $cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname;
            $cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname;
            $cookie->logged = true;
            $cookie->email = $customer->email;

Edited by 00sapo (see edit history)
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