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Exporting CSV for use with Mailchimp

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I'm having problems exporting the newsletter csv and uploading it on my mailchimp account.


I keep getting this error message during upload:

"No emails in column

You must have an email address column to import a list"


When I open the file in excel I can see that the all the users details are in one line and there are no seperate fields for e-mail


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sorry can't help you


I can only argue it can be a file format issue .. as you say you see a one line file in excel


Just open the file in a simple editor (wordpad or similar) and check if it is well formatted .. CSV is a comma separated value file it should be made of 1 line per record, fields delimited by " and separated by ,

Edited by ZiZuu (see edit history)
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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

To get around this issue, I opened the .csv file in MS Office.   Once the file was open I then saved it as a new .CSV and was able to edit the columns.   Once the new .csv was saved using Office, mailchip was able to import it and use my data.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have the same issue (this is so annoying)

My way of resolving this was to copy all the MS Excel cells (by dragging from column A to the end of my fields) and paste it to a Google Drive Spreadsheet (place your cursor on A1 and cmd-v).

Then, I go File > Downlad as > Comma separated values


And as Google does it right for everything, and Excel bad for everything, it worked for the import on Mailchimp!

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