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The uploaded file exceeds the "Maximum size for a downloadable product" set in preferences (2MB)

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When I try to upload an associated file for a virtual product, I get this error message:


The uploaded file exceeds the "Maximum size for a downloadable product" set in preferences (2MB) or the post_max_size/ directive in php.ini (2MB).
Fair enough, because the file is 18MB. But how do I change these settings so I can upload the file?
In my php.ini file, it says the maximum upload is already 50MB (upload_max_filesize = 50M) and it also says that
post_max_size = 50M,
I've also gone to uploader.php in the classes folder, and changed DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE from 10485760 to 104857600, but this didn't solve the problem.
Any ideas?


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It's not the Preferences tab, but the Administration > Preferences subtab. You'll see an "Upload quota" section with a "Maximum size for attachment", "Maximum size for a downloadable product" and "Maximum size for a product's image" fields in megabytes.

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