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Is there a B2B module for prestashop

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Is there a B2B module for Presta?
So I can add multiple prices to my products or does presta allready have this opportunity.

So retail customers see one price and my business customers get a different price?

I know its possible to create a group, and give it 10% discount on every product in the store.
But usually I prefer to have different discounts for my products.

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I searched the whole forum, but couldn't find an answer. Please help me.

I want my customers also see the before group discount price when they login. I am currently using PS v.1.2.5.

The pages I want to display original prices are product listings of categories, detailed product pages and on the featured products section on the main page.

For the product-list.tpl, the code I use is

                {if !$groupReduction = 0}

{l s='End User:'}{displayWtPrice p=$product.orderprice}{if $priceDisplay == 2} {l s='-Tx' mod='homefeatured'}{/if}

But it is not working. Can you provide me the correct one for both tpl and php files?

Secondly, is there a way to disable a module for a customer group?


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