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Out of Stock based on default Combination out of stock

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I tried various searches but couldn't find definite answer, may be some of you might be able to help.


My PS is


My problem is: If a product has, lets say, 5 different combinations. The default combination is out of stock but rest 4 are in stock. In front shop, Category page (where all products are listed), this product shows out of stock and Add to Cart button is disabled. It is only when I go into the product page of that item and browse through rest 4 combinations that I can place order. A customer wouldn't know that there are other combinations In Stock and would skip the moment he/she would see Out of Stock badge on Category page.


How do I instruct (or change code in) PS such that even if there is 1 item in stock from all combinations put together, it should still show In Stock in category page. Customer will only come to know which combination is out of stock when he/she actually goes into the product page.


In simple terms, PS Front shop (for Product List Page) should think the total quantity available is same as Total Quantity in Catalog > Products in PS Back Office.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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 If you would like to just show that product is on stock change line number 91 in product-item.tpl to this:

<link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/InStock" />{if $product.quantity <= 0}{if $product.allow_oosp}{if isset($product.available_later) && $product.available_later}{if $product.quantity_all_versions > 0}{$product.available_now}{else}{$product.available_later}{/if}{else}{l s='In Stock'}{/if}{else}{l s='Out of stock'}{/if}{else}{if isset($product.available_now) && $product.available_now}{$product.available_now}{else}{l s='In Stock'}{/if}{/if}
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Since this is a feature that should have been implemented in the PS core functionalities and for over 2 years NO solutions were given except 2 paid modules, I am going to SPAM all the threads that address this matter.
I am sorry but it doesn't seem fair at all that such an important base feature is made available via paid module when it should have been rolled out in a PS update long time ago  :( 

I've seen so many PS stores losing customers because they see an Out of Stock message on a product that actually HAS stock on other combinations. It's already beyond ridiculous, this silence of the PS staff.

This a call of desperation to the PS staff, of a lot of PS users, not just mine.

Let the solution reveal itself at last!


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