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showing dual prices

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Hi everyone,

i would like to ask if there is possibility to display price in two different currencies?
(I need to show price in Slovak koruna and Euro at once because it is needed by law till end of year when only Euro will be allowed)


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Cau Mato,

mohol si sa ma spytat ;)


riadok 198:

case 2:
               $ret = number_format($price, 2, ',', ' ').' '.$c_sign;

nahrad s

case 2:
               //$ret = number_format($price, 2, ',', ' ').' '.$c_sign;
               $ret = number_format($price, 0, ',', ' ').' '.$c_sign. ' ('.number_format($price*0.033193919, 2, ',', ' '). 'EUR)';

a ono Ti to prerata na EURO...

samozrejme, mozes si to rozne poupravovat, sikovny si, bude to pre Teba hracka...

niekde som cital, ze haluzman potrebuje zmenit to formatovanie v SKK bez desatinnych miest, uz je to zahrnute v tomto mojom QUICK && DIRTY hacku... ;)

to len taka inspiracia ;)

majte sa


Edited: male PS: ono by sa to potom malo zobrazovat v uplne celom shope, nestihol som to skontrolovat -> jedine som zistil, ze ak pouzijete HTML, tak to bude robit problemy v kosiku... Cize netreba menit desiatky suborov, ak nepotrenujete tu druhu menu nejako formatovat (mensie pismo a pod.)...

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