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Menu items missing, cannot add new menu items to top horizontal menu after upgrade

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After upgrading from to using the 1-Click Upgrade process. There were some glitches:


1. The operation timed out during the upgrade process, and I had to re-login to the admin. Upon doing so, the version was now showing as


2. Though I turned off caching (as required to run the upgrade), I had issues with Smarty Cache files left behind. I had to delete the contents of 'cache/smarty/compile' and 'cache/smarty/cache' because I was getting error messages in the front end relating to the file 'classes/cache/CacheFs.php'. The error disappeared after removing said files.


3. The green band across the top of the admin screen looks wonky when working on the 'top horizontal menu' module. See this screen shot:




4. As I mentioned in the title, selecting anything from the Available Items list on the right, then clicking the "Add" button does nothing (see the above screen shot). The "News" item is the only one that shows on the front end:




5. I tried rolling back to the backup created before the upgrade, but clicking the "Rollback" button does nothing.


Now what?

Edited by lepusa (see edit history)
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