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capitalize in firstname and uppercase in last name 1.6.6 v

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Hello, I am having a problem with my site. When a customer registers in my site and decide to write their name with upeercase letters the first name is capitalized and the last name is uppercase. In my db registered with capitalized first name and uppecase the last name. Any solution for this?? My site is http://e-pharmacy4u.gr/dokimastiko/en/   try to create an account to see




Edited by system_error86 (see edit history)
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I found a solution that works for me.


Go to controllers->front->AuthController.php and IdentityController.php in sam directory and comment the code 


$this->customer->firstname = Tools::ucwords($this->customer->firstname); in IdentityController.php


and in


AuthController.php comment


//$customer->firstname = Tools::struppercase($customer->firstname);


This solution isn't for the first time the customers create their account! I haven't find this yet! This works if the customer goes to his account info and change their own.

Edited by system_error86 (see edit history)
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