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Cannot upgrade to PHP version equal or newer than 5.4.x

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Hello everyone,


I am trying, as suggested by the 1-click upgrade module, to change the php version to anything newer than 5.4 from 5.3.8

Every single time I try it, I get 500 error, which resolves after reverting back to 5.3.8


Somebody wrote that he resolved it by removing php.ini and .htaccess from the /public_html folder and by regenerating .htaccess fom the backoffice.


Problem is, if I upgrade the php version, both front and backoffice fail with error 500 (not possible to regenerate .htaccess or to clear caches), and I have no php.ini in the /public_html folder.


I haven´t been able to find any clear answer to this problem that I can apply and it quite surprises me that being such necessary change there are no clear instructions to achieve it.


Any suggestions or could somebody point me in the right direction?


Many thanks in advance.


Kindest Regards,




PS thinking on upgrading to and fearing an old php version will break it all apart.



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same issue as above except on clean install of over PHP5.3 - works on PHP5.3, cant upgrade to PHP5.4 or 5.5.


I searched the PHP extensions for each version, trying to match functionality with no success.


I searched for guidance on what PHP libraries were required but apart from the generically available libraries I couldnt find specific advice.


Interested to hear/see an answer


I understand PHP5.3 support has ended, but is there any indication on when it will actually break in the upgrade path from

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