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NO configuration module ... ???

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Sorry for my english... but I have questions...

I noticed that some drivers, like the form Ad Blocking v0.1, as well as other forms, there is no possibility to configure them in back office.
The only way that you have to change them is going to change the tpl associated with the block?
You may not be able to manage back office…?

Also try to uninstall and reinstall the same form block advertising by the demo you will see that when you reinstall be added two blocks and the other a left to right, how to change (change image, links, etc.…)?

The same, I think the problem applies to form various links Block v0.1 Show various links (usually in the footer), which allows only the installation and removal, but the change also here only with the file tpl associated? ?

Thanking you in advance, I greet you all!!!

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Hey there you have to go into the files to change them manualy you cant do it from back office but there is a banner rotaton module which you can install in back office and change links and images from there if that is easier for you??
If you want two ad blocks you (demo one created twice with different images) you need to copy the module rename it and rename all the files and checking inside as a couple need renaming inside also to match add your image and link and away ya go you have a new advertising module.
Hope this helps

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Anyone that can convert some files to english from french?? I only know a little so not enough to change this sort of thing as i know there are some modules in the french forum that we do not have in the english forum anyone that can help with this?? Otherwise i may just have to use my french dictionary and hope for the best lol!!

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Well, there is no need to change anything in my module. If you want to use it, you juste have to :

- Download the .zip file.

- Extract it in /yoursite/modules/

- Go in your backoffice an clic on "Install". And's it's ready to use.

With this module, you can add some pictures (.png, .jpg, .bmp and .gif) with links on it, or flash animations (.swf) by uploading it from the backoffice. Those files can be use for the left column, right column, header, footer and the home page.

The only issue known for now is that for certain installation, the uploading failed and the uploaded file will not be add in the right directory. I'm working on it.

now, if you want some information about one french module, juste ask me here. I'll try to translate it.

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