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Import CSV not working

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Switch on debug mode and it may help you


  1. Connect to your server using a FTP client
  2. Go into ROOT/config folder and open the defines.inc.php file
  3. Change the value of _PS_MODE_DEV_ from False to True and Save the file.
  4. Once you’re done with all changes, switch _PS_MODE_DEV back to False so that it’s turned off in production mode.
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Do you get them white page immediately or after a time

Try with just one product to see if that works

Can you show us the CSV file you are using

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It I change to true and check I get this error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_cache_info() in /home/vinefres/public_html/classes/cache/CacheApc.php on line 39



Then when I change it back to false and save I still only get a blank white page.




This is what line 39 in /home/vinefres/public_html/classes/cache/CacheApc.php reads:


$cache_info = apc_cache_info((extension_loaded('apcu') === true) ? '' : 'user');



I really need to get this fixed. Any help that anyone could offer would be much appreciated. What should it read?

Edited by vinefreshtees (see edit history)
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When I said to switch on debug mode you said that you did not get an error just a white page


But now you are getting an error


Looks like a cache error


Go to Advacned Parameters > Performace and clear all the caches

Try turning off all caching features as well. It suggests you are using APC caching. Is that installed on your server?

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Yes, I get the error I provided.


I went to advanced parameters > performance and cleared all the cashes including smarty. All the way at the bottom of the page it says caching which is set to no. If I switch it to yes it tells me I need to install APC on my server as you have stated. Do I need to do this or can I use one of the other options?


File System
Memcached via PHP::Memcache
Memcached via PHP::Memcached (you must install the Memcache PECL extension)
APC (you must install the APC PECL extension)
Xcache (you must install the Xcache extension)
I'm not very savvy with this kind of stuff. I don't use import very often so it may have been like this for a while. The last time I tried was months ago, but it worked then.
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Getting a bit beyond me now. If cache is set to NO then why is it trying access the file home/vinefres/public_html/classes/cache/CacheApc.php




I don't know enough about the inner workings of prestashop but I really would have thought that it should not be trying to access that file


Try this


At the bottom of the page where it says "Caching : Use Cache Yes / No"

Change it to YES, then click memcached. Then save. It could well come up with an error, but it will automatically switch caching off so that is fine.


if it says caching is still on , switch it off anyway


Just trying to see if we can kick them system in to forgetting about APC




have you recently installed SSL? Just that the link you provided about is http, but when i get there it prompts for https


If yes, then perhaps that has caused an issue

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I changed the caching to yes and selected file system and voila it works now!!!


I've had SSL for 8 or so months now. I was logged into my dashboard with the http when I sent that. I just logged out and back in under the https and it apprears fine there as well. That's the only thing I can think of that might cause that.


Thank you so much for leading me in the right direction. I was kind of at a standstill. I originally set everything up without inventory management as I print everything on demand. I've set up an account with amazon and purchased the amazon marketplace module and of course I need quantities available for that. I really didn't want to have to edit each item so having the csv work was extremely important!!


Thanks again!!!

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