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Email Template

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I'd like to let my customers know the delivery timeframe in the email they automatically receive when I change the status to Shipped under Orders>Orders with Prestashop


For example, I need the emails to say: "The expected delivery timeframe is FROM JULY 25 to JULY 30…". 

Having said that the delivery timeframe is mentioned on the checkout page, as I use the Date of Delivery module.


So far, I have added two variables to the AdminOrdersController.php file as followed: 

'{order_products}' => Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(" ", `product_name`) AS product_name FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` WHERE `id_order` = '.(int)$this->id_order),
            '{order_delivery_date}' => $result['delivery_date']



I was actually wondering if the added variable is correct. Also, am I editing the right php file? 


Could you please tell me if I'm heading to the right direction?


Thank you

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