Administratоr Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Hello, I upgraded to yesterday. I noticed an error - when I click on a product, all goes fine: I go to the product view page. There, I can add the product to my shopping cart. Still on the product view page, when I click "read reviews" (or something similar in english), this "#idtab5" gets appended to the url and then scrolls to the reviews section. This is all expected behaviour, however the shopping cart button has now disappeared and there is an error notice "this product is not available in this configuration" (or something similar in english). What I tried: ctrl+F5 doesn't help. I believe this has something to do with the (new?) way prestashop handles links, apparently combinations will now work via # urls? Not sure, just a guess. Anyway this breaks real anchors and can create design issues. This really breaks my site because I want people to be able to add stuff to the cart no matter what! Any way to circumvent this behaviour? Patches? Thanks! Edited July 22, 2015 by Administratоr (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administratоr Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 bump - anyting at all? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administratоr Posted July 28, 2015 Author Share Posted July 28, 2015 Another bump. I think this is important. How about you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Massi-X Posted October 6, 2015 Share Posted October 6, 2015 You have to go in the productcomments.js file of productreviews (can be found in your theme or module directory under the js folder) and change this: $(document).on('click', 'a[href=#idTab5]', function(){ var target = this.hash, $target = jQuery(target); jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop': $target.offset().top - 180 }, 500, 'swing'); $('*[id^="idTab"]').addClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('div#idTab5').removeClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('ul#more_info_tabs a[href^="#idTab"]').removeClass('selected'); $('a[href="#idTab5"]').addClass('selected'); }); To this: $(document).on('click', 'a[href=#idTab5]', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var target = this.hash, $target = jQuery(target); jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop': $target.offset().top - 180 }, 500, 'swing'); $('*[id^="idTab"]').addClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('div#idTab5').removeClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('ul#more_info_tabs a[href^="#idTab"]').removeClass('selected'); $('a[href="#idTab5"]').addClass('selected'); }); Done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smolt Posted March 1, 2016 Share Posted March 1, 2016 Hi, I'm currently facing the same problem. I'm using Prestashop and I can't find the #idTab5 behavior Massi-X is talking about. I checked /modules/productcomments/js/productcomments.js but nothing here. Seems like something is going wrong with the checkUrl() function of the global product.js JavaScript file. Any help is appreciated. This bug is really annoying for the users. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wouterb038 Posted March 22, 2016 Share Posted March 22, 2016 (edited) Hello, I made a quick solution for this:1. Edit file productcomments.js (in themes/**your-theme**/js/modules/productcomments.js)Comment out the following code: $(document).on('click', 'a[href=#idTab5]', function(e){ $('*[id^="idTab"]').addClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('div#idTab5').removeClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('ul#more_info_tabs a[href^="#idTab"]').removeClass('selected'); $('a[href="#idTab5"]').addClass('selected'); }); Like this: /* $(document).on('click', 'a[href=#idTab5]', function(e){ $('*[id^="idTab"]').addClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('div#idTab5').removeClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('ul#more_info_tabs a[href^="#idTab"]').removeClass('selected'); $('a[href="#idTab5"]').addClass('selected'); }); */ After this add following code: $("#product_comments_block_extra .reviews").click(function() { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#idTab5").offset().top}, 'slow'); }); The file should now look like this: /* * 2007-2015 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @license Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('').rating(); $('.auto-submit-star').rating(); if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) $('.open-comment-form').fancybox({ 'autoSize' : false, 'width' : 600, 'height' : 'auto', 'hideOnContentClick': false }); $(document).on('click', '#id_new_comment_form .closefb', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $.fancybox.close(); }); /* $(document).on('click', '.reviews', function(e){ $('*[id^="idTab"]').addClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('div#idTab5').removeClass('block_hidden_only_for_screen'); $('ul#more_info_tabs a[href^="#idTab"]').removeClass('selected'); $('a[href="#idTab5"]').addClass('selected'); }); */ $("#product_comments_block_extra .reviews").click(function() { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#idTab5").offset().top}, 'slow'); }); $(document).on('click', 'button.usefulness_btn', function(e){ var id_product_comment = $(this).data('id-product-comment'); var is_usefull = $(this).data('is-usefull'); var parent = $(this).parent(); $.ajax({ url: productcomments_controller_url + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), data: { id_product_comment: id_product_comment, action: 'comment_is_usefull', value: is_usefull }, type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, success: function(result){ parent.fadeOut('slow', function() { parent.remove(); }); } }); }); $(document).on('click', 'span.report_btn', function(e){ if (confirm(confirm_report_message)) { var idProductComment = $(this).data('id-product-comment'); var parent = $(this).parent(); $.ajax({ url: productcomments_controller_url + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), data: { id_product_comment: idProductComment, action: 'report_abuse' }, type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, success: function(result){ parent.fadeOut('slow', function() { parent.remove(); }); } }); } }); $(document).on('click', '#submitNewMessage', function(e){ // Kill default behaviour e.preventDefault(); // Form element url_options = '?'; if (!productcomments_url_rewrite) url_options = '&'; $.ajax({ url: productcomments_controller_url + url_options + 'action=add_comment&secure_key=' + secure_key + '&rand=' + new Date().getTime(), data: $('#id_new_comment_form').serialize(), type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, dataType: "json", success: function(data){ if (data.result) { $.fancybox.close(); var buttons = {}; buttons[productcomment_ok] = "productcommentRefreshPage"; fancyChooseBox(moderation_active ? productcomment_added_moderation : productcomment_added, productcomment_title, buttons); } else { $('#new_comment_form_error ul').html(''); $.each(data.errors, function(index, value) { $('#new_comment_form_error ul').append('<li>'+value+'</li>'); }); $('#new_comment_form_error').slideDown('slow'); } } }); }); }); function productcommentRefreshPage() { window.location.reload(); } 2. Edit file productcomments-extra.tpl (in themes/**your-theme**/modules/productcomments/productcomments-extra.tpl) Replace the code as shown below {* * 2007-2015 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision$ * @license Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA *} {if (!$content_only && (($nbComments == 0 && $too_early == false && ($is_logged || $allow_guests)) || ($nbComments != 0)))} <div id="product_comments_block_extra" class="no-print" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype=""> {if $nbComments != 0} <div class="comments_note clearfix"> <span>{l s='Rating' mod='productcomments'} </span> <div class="star_content clearfix"> {section name="i" start=0 loop=5 step=1} {if $averageTotal le $smarty.section.i.index} <div class="star"></div> {else} <div class="star star_on"></div> {/if} {/section} <meta itemprop="worstRating" content = "0" /> <meta itemprop="ratingValue" content = "{if isset($ratings.avg)}{$ratings.avg|round:1|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{else}{$averageTotal|round:1|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" /> <meta itemprop="bestRating" content = "5" /> </div> </div> <!-- .comments_note --> {/if} <ul class="comments_advices"> {if $nbComments != 0} <li> <a href="" class="reviews"> {l s='Read reviews' mod='productcomments'} (<span itemprop="reviewCount">{$nbComments}</span>) </a> </li> {/if} {if ($too_early == false AND ($is_logged OR $allow_guests))} <li> <a class="open-comment-form" href="#new_comment_form"> {l s='Write a review' mod='productcomments'} </a> </li> {/if} </ul> </div> {/if} <!-- /Module ProductComments --> Edited March 22, 2016 by wouterb038 (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administratоr Posted June 26, 2016 Author Share Posted June 26, 2016 I have solved the bug myself. The problem was this: when you click the "read reviews" link below the short description of the product, the page URL changes to #idTab5 --> This makes the page scroll to the "reviews" tab, where you can read the reviews. The thing is however, that this also somehow triggers the system to think the user has made a CHOICE (e.g. clicked an option/variation/combination). So I checked the /your-theme/js/product.js file, scrolled to the function findCombination(), and added the following code somewhere after the choice array was defined: // If choice empty -> return (avoiding the "combination doesn't exist error" when clicking anchor tags) if(choice.length <= 0){ return; } So now my products.js file looks like this. /* * 2007-2016 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA * @license Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ //global variables var serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed; var selectedCombination = []; var globalQuantity = 0; var colors = []; var original_url = window.location + ''; var first_url_check = true; var firstTime = true; /* Retro compat from product.tpl */ if (typeof customizationFields !== 'undefined' && customizationFields) { var customizationFieldsBk = customizationFields; customizationFields = []; var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < customizationFieldsBk.length; ++i) { var key = 'pictures_' + parseInt(id_product) + '_' + parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['id_customization_field']); customizationFields[i] = []; customizationFields[i][0] = (parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['type']) == 0) ? 'img' + i : 'textField' + j++; customizationFields[i][1] = (parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['type']) == 0 && customizationFieldsBk[i][key]) ? 2 : parseInt(customizationFieldsBk[i]['required']); } } if (typeof combinationImages !== 'undefined' && combinationImages) { combinationImagesJS = []; combinationImagesJS[0] = []; var k = 0; for (var i in combinationImages) { combinationImagesJS[i] = []; for (var j in combinationImages[i]) { var id_image = parseInt(combinationImages[i][j]['id_image']); if (id_image) { combinationImagesJS[0][k++] = id_image; combinationImagesJS[i][j] = []; combinationImagesJS[i][j] = id_image; } } } if (typeof combinationImagesJS[0] !== 'undefined' && combinationImagesJS[0]) { var array_values = []; for (var key in arrayUnique(combinationImagesJS[0])) array_values.push(combinationImagesJS[0][key]); combinationImagesJS[0] = array_values; } combinationImages = combinationImagesJS; } if (typeof combinations !== 'undefined' && combinations) { combinationsJS = []; combinationsHashSet = {}; var k = 0; for (var i in combinations) { globalQuantity += combinations[i]['quantity']; combinationsJS[k] = []; combinationsJS[k]['idCombination'] = parseInt(i); combinationsJS[k]['idsAttributes'] = combinations[i]['attributes']; combinationsJS[k]['quantity'] = combinations[i]['quantity']; combinationsJS[k]['price'] = combinations[i]['price']; combinationsJS[k]['ecotax'] = combinations[i]['ecotax']; combinationsJS[k]['image'] = parseInt(combinations[i]['id_image']); combinationsJS[k]['reference'] = combinations[i]['reference']; combinationsJS[k]['unit_price'] = combinations[i]['unit_impact']; combinationsJS[k]['minimal_quantity'] = parseInt(combinations[i]['minimal_quantity']); combinationsJS[k]['available_date'] = []; combinationsJS[k]['available_date']['date'] = combinations[i]['available_date']; combinationsJS[k]['available_date']['date_formatted'] = combinations[i]['date_formatted']; combinationsJS[k]['specific_price'] = []; combinationsJS[k]['specific_price']['reduction_percent'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type'] == 'percentage') ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] * 100 : 0; combinationsJS[k]['specific_price']['reduction_price'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type'] == 'amount') ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction'] : 0; combinationsJS[k]['price'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['price'] && parseInt(combinations[i]['specific_price']['price']) != -1) ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['price'] : combinations[i]['price']; combinationsJS[k]['reduction_type'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type']) ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['reduction_type'] : ''; combinationsJS[k]['id_product_attribute'] = (combinations[i]['specific_price'] && combinations[i]['specific_price']['id_product_attribute']) ? combinations[i]['specific_price']['id_product_attribute'] : 0; var key = combinationsJS[k]['idsAttributes'].sort().join('-'); combinationsHashSet[key] = combinationsJS[k]; k++; } combinations = combinationsJS; } /* */ $(document).ready(function() { var url_found = checkUrl(); //init the price in relation of the selected attributes if (!url_found) { if (typeof productHasAttributes !== 'undefined' && productHasAttributes) findCombination(); else refreshProductImages(0); } serialScrollSetNbImages(); //init the serialScroll for thumbs if (!!$.prototype.serialScroll) $('#thumbs_list').serialScroll({ items:'li:visible', prev:'#view_scroll_left', next:'#view_scroll_right', axis:'x', offset:0, start:0, stop:true, onBefore:serialScrollFixLock, duration:700, lazy: true, lock: false, force:false, cycle:false }); $('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0); //set jqZoom parameters if needed if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) !== 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled) { if ($('#thumbs_list .shown img').length) { var new_src = $('#thumbs_list .shown img').attr('src').replace('cart_', 'large_'); if ($('.jqzoom img').attr('src')!= new_src) $('.jqzoom img').attr('src', new_src).parent().attr('href', new_src); } $('.jqzoom').jqzoom({ zoomType: 'innerzoom', //innerzoom/standard/reverse/drag zoomWidth: 458, //zooming div default width(default width value is 200) zoomHeight: 458, //zooming div default width(default height value is 200) xOffset: 21, //zooming div default offset(default offset value is 10) yOffset: 0, title: false }); } if (typeof(contentOnly) !== 'undefined') { if (!contentOnly && !!$.prototype.fancybox) { $('li:visible .fancybox, .fancybox.shown').fancybox({ 'hideOnContentClick': true, 'openEffect' : 'elastic', 'closeEffect' : 'elastic' }); } else if (contentOnly) { $('#buy_block').attr('target', '_top'); } } if ($('#bxslider li').length && !!$.prototype.bxSlider) $('#bxslider').bxSlider({ minSlides: 1, maxSlides: 6, slideWidth: 178, slideMargin: 20, pager: false, nextText: '', prevText: '', moveSlides:1, infiniteLoop:false, hideControlOnEnd: true }); if (!$('#bxslider li').length) $('.accessories-block').parent().remove(); if (!!$.prototype.uniform) { if (typeof product_fileDefaultHtml !== 'undefined') $.uniform.defaults.fileDefaultHtml = product_fileDefaultHtml; if (typeof product_fileButtonHtml !== 'undefined') $.uniform.defaults.fileButtonHtml = product_fileButtonHtml; } if ($('#customizationForm').length) { var url = window.location + ''; if (url.indexOf('#') != -1) getProductAttribute(); } }); //find a specific price rule, based on pre calculated dom display array function findSpecificPrice(){ var domData = $("#quantityDiscount table tbody tr").not( ":hidden" ); var nbProduct = $('#quantity_wanted').val(); var newPrice = false; //construct current specific price for current combination domData.each(function(i){ var dataDiscountQuantity = parseInt($(this).attr('data-discount-quantity')); var dataDiscountNextQuantity = -1; var nextQtDiscount = $(domData[i+1]); if(nextQtDiscount.length){ dataDiscountNextQuantity = parseInt(nextQtDiscount.attr('data-discount-quantity')); } if( (dataDiscountNextQuantity != -1 && nbProduct >= dataDiscountQuantity && nbProduct < dataDiscountNextQuantity) || (dataDiscountNextQuantity == -1 && nbProduct >= dataDiscountQuantity) ){ newPrice = $(this).attr('data-real-discount-value'); return false; } }); return newPrice; } $(window).resize(function(){ serialScrollSetNbImages(); $('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0); serialScrollFixLock('', '', '', '', 0); }); $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ checkUrl(); findCombination(); }); //hover 'other views' images management $(document).on('mouseover', '#views_block li a', function(){ displayImage($(this)); }); //add a link on the span 'view full size' and on the big image $(document).on('click', '#view_full_size, #image-block', function(e){ $('#views_block .shown').click(); }); //catch the click on the "more infos" button at the top of the page $(document).on('click', '#short_description_block .button', function(e){ $('#more_info_tab_more_info').click(); $.scrollTo( '#more_info_tabs', 1200 ); }); // Hide the customization submit button and display some message $(document).on('click', '#customizedDatas input', function(e){ $('#customizedDatas input').hide(); $('#ajax-loader').fadeIn(); $('#customizedDatas').append(uploading_in_progress); }); $(document).on('click', 'a[data-id=resetImages]', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); refreshProductImages(0); }); $(document).on('click', '.color_pick', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); colorPickerClick($(this)); getProductAttribute(); }); $(document).on('change', '#quantity_wanted', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var specificPrice = findSpecificPrice(); if(false !== specificPrice){ $('#our_price_display').text(specificPrice); }else{ if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && productHasAttributes){ updateDisplay(); }else{ $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(parseFloat($('#our_price_display').attr('content')), currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } } }); $(document).on('change', '.attribute_select', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); findCombination(); getProductAttribute(); }); $(document).on('click', '.attribute_radio', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); getProductAttribute(); }); $(document).on('click', 'button[name=saveCustomization]', function(e){ saveCustomization(); }); if (typeof ad !== 'undefined' && ad && typeof adtoken !== 'undefined' && adtoken) { $(document).on('click', 'a#publish_button', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); submitPublishProduct(ad, 0, adtoken); }); $(document).on('click', 'a#lnk_view', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); submitPublishProduct(ad, 1, adtoken); }); } if (typeof(contentOnly) !== 'undefined' && contentOnly) { $(document).on('click', '.fancybox', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('click', '#image-block', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var productUrl = window.document.location.href + ''; var data = productUrl.replace(/[\?|&]content_only=1/, ''); if (window.parent.page_name == 'search') data += ((data.indexOf('?') < 0) ? '?' : '&') + 'HTTP_REFERER=' + encodeURIComponent(window.parent.document.location.href); window.parent.document.location.href = data; return; }); } // The button to increment the product value $(document).on('click', '.product_quantity_up', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty'); var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name='+fieldName+']').val()); if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock && quantityAvailable > 0) quantityAvailableT = quantityAvailable; else quantityAvailableT = 100000000; if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal < quantityAvailableT) $('input[name='+fieldName+']').val(currentVal + 1).trigger('keyup'); else $('input[name='+fieldName+']').val(quantityAvailableT); $('#quantity_wanted').change(); }); // The button to decrement the product value $(document).on('click', '.product_quantity_down', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty'); var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name='+fieldName+']').val()); if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal > 1) $('input[name='+fieldName+']').val(currentVal - 1).trigger('keyup'); else $('input[name='+fieldName+']').val(1); $('#quantity_wanted').change(); }); if (typeof minimalQuantity !== 'undefined' && minimalQuantity) { checkMinimalQuantity(); $(document).on('keyup', 'input[name=qty]', function(e){ checkMinimalQuantity(minimalQuantity); }); } function arrayUnique(a) { return a.reduce(function(p, c){ if (p.indexOf(c) < 0) p.push(c); return p; }, []); }; //check if a function exists function function_exists(function_name) { if (typeof function_name === 'string') function_name = this.window[function_name]; return typeof function_name === 'function'; } //execute oosHook js code function oosHookJsCode() { for (var i = 0; i < oosHookJsCodeFunctions.length; i++) { if (function_exists(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i])) setTimeout(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i] + '()', 0); } } //add a combination of attributes in the global JS sytem function addCombination(idCombination, arrayOfIdAttributes, quantity, price, ecotax, id_image, reference, unit_price, minimal_quantity, available_date, combination_specific_price) { globalQuantity += quantity; var combination = []; combination['idCombination'] = idCombination; combination['quantity'] = quantity; combination['idsAttributes'] = arrayOfIdAttributes; combination['price'] = price; combination['ecotax'] = ecotax; combination['image'] = id_image; combination['reference'] = reference; combination['unit_price'] = unit_price; combination['minimal_quantity'] = minimal_quantity; combination['available_date'] = []; combination['available_date'] = available_date; combination['specific_price'] = []; combination['specific_price'] = combination_specific_price; combinations.push(combination); } // search the combinations' case of attributes and update displaying of availability, prices, ecotax, and image function findCombination() { $('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').fadeOut(); if (typeof $('#minimal_quantity_label').text() === 'undefined' || $('#minimal_quantity_label').html() > 1) $('#quantity_wanted').val(1); //create a temporary 'choice' array containing the choices of the customer var choice = []; var radio_inputs = parseInt($('#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]').length); if (radio_inputs) radio_inputs = '#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]'; else radio_inputs = '#attributes input[type=radio]:checked'; $('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], ' + radio_inputs).each(function(){ choice.push(parseInt($(this).val())); }); // If choice empty -> return (avoiding the "combination doesn't exist error" when clicking anchor tags) if(choice.length <= 0){ return; } //verify if this combinaison is the same that the user's choice if (typeof combinationsHashSet !== 'undefined') { var combination = combinationsHashSet[choice.sort().join('-')]; if (combination) { if (combination['minimal_quantity'] > 1) { $('#minimal_quantity_label').html(combination['minimal_quantity']); $('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').fadeIn(); $('#quantity_wanted').val(combination['minimal_quantity']); $('#quantity_wanted').bind('keyup', function() {checkMinimalQuantity(combination['minimal_quantity']);}); } //combination of the user has been found in our specifications of combinations (created in back office) selectedCombination['unavailable'] = false; selectedCombination['reference'] = combination['reference']; $('#idCombination').val(combination['idCombination']); //get the data of product with these attributes quantityAvailable = combination['quantity']; selectedCombination['price'] = combination['price']; selectedCombination['unit_price'] = combination['unit_price']; selectedCombination['specific_price'] = combination['specific_price']; if (combination['ecotax']) selectedCombination['ecotax'] = combination['ecotax']; else selectedCombination['ecotax'] = default_eco_tax; //show the large image in relation to the selected combination if (combination['image'] && combination['image'] != -1) displayImage($('#thumb_' + combination['image']).parent()); //show discounts values according to the selected combination if (combination['idCombination'] && combination['idCombination'] > 0) displayDiscounts(combination['idCombination']); //get available_date for combination product selectedCombination['available_date'] = combination['available_date']; //update the display updateDisplay(); if (firstTime) { refreshProductImages(0); firstTime = false; } else refreshProductImages(combination['idCombination']); //leave the function because combination has been found return; } } //this combination doesn't exist (not created in back office) selectedCombination['unavailable'] = true; if (typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']) !== 'undefined') delete selectedCombination['available_date']; updateDisplay(); } //update display of the availability of the product AND the prices of the product function updateDisplay() { var productPriceDisplay = productPrice; var productPriceWithoutReductionDisplay = productPriceWithoutReduction; if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'] && quantityAvailable > 0 && productAvailableForOrder == 1) { //show the choice of quantities $('#quantity_wanted_p:hidden').show('slow'); //show the "add to cart" button ONLY if it was hidden $('#add_to_cart:hidden').fadeIn(600); //hide the hook out of stock $('#oosHook').hide(); $('#availability_date').fadeOut(); //availability value management if (stock_management && availableNowValue != '') { $('#availability_value').removeClass('label-warning').addClass('label-success').text(availableNowValue).show(); $('#availability_statut:hidden').show('slow'); } else $('#availability_statut:visible').hide('slow'); //'last quantities' message management if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock) { if (quantityAvailable <= maxQuantityToAllowDisplayOfLastQuantityMessage) $('#last_quantities').show('slow'); else $('#last_quantities').hide('slow'); } if (quantitiesDisplayAllowed) { $('#pQuantityAvailable:hidden').show('slow'); $('#quantityAvailable').text(quantityAvailable); if (quantityAvailable < 2) // we have 1 or less product in stock and need to show "item" instead of "items" { $('#quantityAvailableTxt').show(); $('#quantityAvailableTxtMultiple').hide(); } else { $('#quantityAvailableTxt').hide(); $('#quantityAvailableTxtMultiple').show(); } } } else { //show the hook out of stock if (productAvailableForOrder == 1) { $('#oosHook').show(); if ($('#oosHook').length > 0 && function_exists('oosHookJsCode')) oosHookJsCode(); } //hide 'last quantities' message if it was previously visible $('#last_quantities:visible').hide('slow'); //hide the quantity of pieces if it was previously visible $('#pQuantityAvailable:visible').hide('slow'); //hide the choice of quantities if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock) $('#quantity_wanted_p:visible').hide('slow'); //display that the product is unavailable with theses attributes if (!selectedCombination['unavailable']) { $('#availability_value').text(doesntExistNoMore + (globalQuantity > 0 ? ' ' + doesntExistNoMoreBut : '')); if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock) $('#availability_value').removeClass('label-success').addClass('label-warning'); } else { $('#availability_value').text(doesntExist).removeClass('label-success').addClass('label-warning'); $('#oosHook').hide(); } if ((stock_management == 1 && !allowBuyWhenOutOfStock) || (!stock_management && selectedCombination['unavailable'])) $('#availability_statut:hidden').show(); if (typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']) !== 'undefined' && typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']['date_formatted']) !== 'undefined' && selectedCombination['available_date']['date'].length != 0) { var available_date = selectedCombination['available_date']['date']; var tab_date = available_date.split('-'); var time_available = new Date(tab_date[0], tab_date[1], tab_date[2]); time_available.setMonth(time_available.getMonth()-1); var now = new Date(); if (now.getTime() < time_available.getTime() && $('#availability_date_value').text() != selectedCombination['available_date']['date_formatted']) { $('#availability_date').fadeOut('normal', function(){ $('#availability_date_value').text(selectedCombination['available_date']['date_formatted']); $(this).fadeIn(); }); } else if (now.getTime() < time_available.getTime()) $('#availability_date').fadeIn(); } else $('#availability_date').fadeOut(); //show the 'add to cart' button ONLY IF it's possible to buy when out of stock AND if it was previously invisible if (allowBuyWhenOutOfStock && !selectedCombination['unavailable'] && productAvailableForOrder) { $('#add_to_cart:hidden').fadeIn(600); if (stock_management && availableLaterValue != '') { $('#availability_value').addClass('label-warning').text(availableLaterValue).show('slow'); $('#availability_statut:hidden').show('slow'); } else $('#availability_statut:visible').hide('slow'); } else { $('#add_to_cart:visible').fadeOut(600); if (stock_management == 1 && productAvailableForOrder) $('#availability_statut:hidden').show('slow'); } if (productAvailableForOrder == 0) $('#availability_statut:visible').hide(); } if (selectedCombination['reference'] || productReference) { if (selectedCombination['reference']) $('#product_reference span').text(selectedCombination['reference']); else if (productReference) $('#product_reference span').text(productReference); $('#product_reference:hidden').show('slow'); } else $('#product_reference:visible').hide('slow'); // If we have combinations, update price section: amounts, currency, discount amounts,... if (productHasAttributes) updatePrice(); } function updatePrice() { // Get combination prices var combID = $('#idCombination').val(); var combination = combinationsFromController[combID]; if (typeof combination == 'undefined') return; // Set product (not the combination) base price var basePriceWithoutTax = +productPriceTaxExcluded; var basePriceWithTax = +productPriceTaxIncluded; var priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax = 0; priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax = basePriceWithoutTax * (1 - groupReduction); // Apply combination price impact (only if there is no specific price) // 0 by default, +x if price is inscreased, -x if price is decreased basePriceWithoutTax = basePriceWithoutTax + +combination.price; basePriceWithTax = basePriceWithTax + +combination.price * (taxRate/100 + 1); // If a specific price redefine the combination base price if (combination.specific_price && combination.specific_price.price > 0) { basePriceWithoutTax = +combination.specific_price.price; basePriceWithTax = +combination.specific_price.price * (taxRate/100 + 1); } var priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax = basePriceWithoutTax; var priceWithDiscountsWithTax = basePriceWithTax; if (default_eco_tax) { // combination.ecotax doesn't modify the price but only the display priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax = priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax + default_eco_tax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100); priceWithDiscountsWithTax = priceWithDiscountsWithTax + default_eco_tax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100); basePriceWithTax = basePriceWithTax + default_eco_tax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100); basePriceWithoutTax = basePriceWithoutTax + default_eco_tax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100); } // Apply specific price (discount) // We only apply percentage discount and discount amount given before tax // Specific price give after tax will be handled after taxes are added if (combination.specific_price && combination.specific_price.reduction > 0) { if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount') { if (typeof combination.specific_price.reduction_tax !== 'undefined' && combination.specific_price.reduction_tax === "0") { var reduction = combination.specific_price.reduction; if (combination.specific_price.id_currency == 0) reduction = reduction * currencyRate * (1 - groupReduction); priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax -= reduction; priceWithDiscountsWithTax -= reduction * (taxRate/100 + 1); } } else if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'percentage') { priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax = priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax * (1 - +combination.specific_price.reduction); priceWithDiscountsWithTax = priceWithDiscountsWithTax * (1 - +combination.specific_price.reduction); } } // Apply Tax if necessary if (noTaxForThisProduct || customerGroupWithoutTax) { basePriceDisplay = basePriceWithoutTax; priceWithDiscountsDisplay = priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax; } else { basePriceDisplay = basePriceWithTax; priceWithDiscountsDisplay = priceWithDiscountsWithTax; } // If the specific price was given after tax, we apply it now if (combination.specific_price && combination.specific_price.reduction > 0) { if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount') { if (typeof combination.specific_price.reduction_tax === 'undefined' || (typeof combination.specific_price.reduction_tax !== 'undefined' && combination.specific_price.reduction_tax === '1')) { var reduction = combination.specific_price.reduction; if (typeof specific_currency !== 'undefined' && specific_currency && parseInt(combination.specific_price.id_currency) && combination.specific_price.id_currency != reduction = reduction / currencyRate; else if(!specific_currency) reduction = reduction * currencyRate; if (typeof groupReduction !== 'undefined' && groupReduction > 0) reduction *= 1 - parseFloat(groupReduction); priceWithDiscountsDisplay -= reduction; // We recalculate the price without tax in order to keep the data consistency priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax = priceWithDiscountsDisplay - reduction * ( 1/(1+taxRate/100) ); } } } if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay < 0) { priceWithDiscountsDisplay = 0; } // Compute discount value and percentage // Done just before display update so we have final prices if (basePriceDisplay != priceWithDiscountsDisplay) { var discountValue = basePriceDisplay - priceWithDiscountsDisplay; var discountPercentage = (1-(priceWithDiscountsDisplay/basePriceDisplay))*100; } var unit_impact = +combination.unit_impact; if (productUnitPriceRatio > 0 || unit_impact) { if (unit_impact) { baseUnitPrice = productBasePriceTaxExcl / productUnitPriceRatio; unit_price = baseUnitPrice + unit_impact; if (!noTaxForThisProduct || !customerGroupWithoutTax) unit_price = unit_price * (taxRate/100 + 1); } else unit_price = priceWithDiscountsDisplay / productUnitPriceRatio; } /* Update the page content, no price calculation happens after */ // Hide everything then show what needs to be shown $('#reduction_percent').hide(); $('#reduction_amount').hide(); $('#old_price, #old_price_display, #old_price_display_taxes').hide(); $('.price-ecotax').hide(); $('.unit-price').hide(); if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay > 0) { if(findSpecificPrice()){ $('#our_price_display').text(findSpecificPrice()).trigger('change'); } else{ $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(priceWithDiscountsDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); } } else { $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(0, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); } // If the calculated price (after all discounts) is different than the base price // we show the old price striked through if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay.toFixed(2) != basePriceDisplay.toFixed(2)) { $('#old_price_display span.price').text(formatCurrency(basePriceDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#old_price, #old_price_display, #old_price_display_taxes').removeClass('hidden').show(); // Then if it's not only a group reduction we display the discount in red box if (priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax != priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax) { if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount') { $('#reduction_amount_display').html('-' + formatCurrency(discountValue, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#reduction_amount').show(); } else { var toFix = 2; if ((parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(2) - parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(0)) == 0) toFix = 0; $('#reduction_percent_display').html('-' + parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(toFix) + '%'); $('#reduction_percent').show(); } } } // Green Tax (Eco tax) // Update display of Green Tax if (default_eco_tax) { ecotax = default_eco_tax; // If the default product ecotax is overridden by the combination if (combination.ecotax) ecotax = +combination.ecotax; if (!noTaxForThisProduct) ecotax = ecotax * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate/100) $('#ecotax_price_display').text(formatCurrency(ecotax * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('.price-ecotax').show(); } // Unit price are the price per piece, per Kg, per m² // It doesn't modify the price, it's only for display if (productUnitPriceRatio > 0) { $('#unit_price_display').text(formatCurrency(unit_price * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('.unit-price').show(); } if (noTaxForThisProduct || customerGroupWithoutTax) updateDiscountTable(priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax); else updateDiscountTable(priceWithDiscountsWithTax); } //update display of the large image function displayImage(domAAroundImgThumb, no_animation) { if (typeof(no_animation) == 'undefined') no_animation = false; if (domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href')) { var new_src = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href').replace('thickbox', 'large'); var new_title = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('title'); var new_href = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href'); if ($('#bigpic').attr('src') != new_src) { $('#bigpic').attr({ 'src' : new_src, 'alt' : new_title, 'title' : new_title }).load(function(){ if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) !== 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled) $(this).attr('rel', new_href); }); } $('#views_block li a').removeClass('shown'); $(domAAroundImgThumb).addClass('shown'); } } /** * Update display of the discounts table. * @param combination Combination ID. */ function displayDiscounts(combination) { // Tables & rows selection var quantityDiscountTable = $('#quantityDiscount'); var combinationsSpecificQuantityDiscount = $('#quantityDiscount_'+combination, quantityDiscountTable); var allQuantityDiscount = $('#quantityDiscount_0', quantityDiscountTable); // If there is some combinations specific quantity discount, show them, else, if there are some // products quantity discount: show them. In case of result, show the category. if (combinationsSpecificQuantityDiscount.length != 0) { $('tbody tr', quantityDiscountTable).hide();;; } else if(allQuantityDiscount.length != 0) {; $('tbody tr', quantityDiscountTable).not('#quantityDiscount_0').hide();; } else { quantityDiscountTable.hide(); } } function updateDiscountTable(newPrice) { $('#quantityDiscount tbody tr').each(function(){ var type = $(this).data("discount-type"); var discount = $(this).data("discount"); var quantity = $(this).data("discount-quantity"); if (type == 'percentage') { var discountedPrice = newPrice * (1 - discount/100); var discountUpTo = newPrice * (discount/100) * quantity; } else if (type == 'amount') { var discountedPrice = newPrice - discount; var discountUpTo = discount * quantity; } if (displayDiscountPrice != 0) $(this).children('td').eq(1).text( formatCurrency(discountedPrice * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank) ); $(this).children('td').eq(2).text(upToTxt + ' ' + formatCurrency(discountUpTo * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); }); } function serialScrollFixLock(event, targeted, scrolled, items, position) { var serialScrollNbImages = $('#thumbs_list li:visible').length; var leftArrow = position == 0 ? true : false; var rightArrow = position + serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed >= serialScrollNbImages ? true : false; $('#view_scroll_left').css('cursor', leftArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').css('display', leftArrow ? 'none' : 'block').fadeTo(0, leftArrow ? 0 : 1); $('#view_scroll_right').css('cursor', rightArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').fadeTo(0, rightArrow ? 0 : 1).css('display', rightArrow ? 'none' : 'block'); return true; } function serialScrollSetNbImages() { serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed = 4; if ($('#thumbs_list').outerWidth(true) < 194) serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed = 1; else if ($('#thumbs_list').outerWidth(true) < 294) serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed = 2; else if ($('#thumbs_list').outerWidth(true) < 392) serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed = 3; } // Change the current product images regarding the combination selected function refreshProductImages(id_product_attribute) { id_product_attribute = parseInt(id_product_attribute); if (id_product_attribute > 0 && typeof(combinationImages) !== 'undefined' && typeof(combinationImages[id_product_attribute]) !== 'undefined') { $('#thumbs_list li').hide(); for (var i = 0; i < combinationImages[id_product_attribute].length; i++) if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) !== 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled) $('#thumbnail_' + parseInt(combinationImages[id_product_attribute][i])).show().children('a.shown').trigger('click'); else $('#thumbnail_' + parseInt(combinationImages[id_product_attribute][i])).show(); } else { $('#thumbs_list li').show(); var choice = []; var radio_inputs = parseInt($('#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]').length); if (radio_inputs) radio_inputs = '#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]'; else radio_inputs = '#attributes input[type=radio]:checked'; $('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], ' + radio_inputs).each(function(){ choice.push(parseInt($(this).val())); }); if (typeof combinationsHashSet !== 'undefined') { var combination = combinationsHashSet[choice.sort().join('-')]; if(combination) { //show the large image in relation to the selected combination if (combination['image'] && combination['image'] != -1) displayImage($('#thumb_' + combination['image']).parent()); } } } if (parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li:visible').length) != parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').length)) $('#wrapResetImages').stop(true, true).show(); else $('#wrapResetImages').stop(true, true).hide(); $('#thumbs_list_frame').width(parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').outerWidth(true) * $('#thumbs_list_frame >li').length) + 'px'); $('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0); serialScrollFixLock('', '', '', '', 0); } function saveCustomization() { $('#quantityBackup').val($('#quantity_wanted').val()); $('#customizationForm').submit(); } function submitPublishProduct(url, redirect, token) { var id_product = $('#admin-action-product-id').val(); $.ajaxSetup({async: false}); $.post(url + '/index.php', { action:'publishProduct', id_product: id_product, status: 1, redirect: redirect, ajax: 1, tab: 'AdminProducts', token: token }, function(data) { if (data.indexOf('error') === -1) document.location.href = data; } ); return true; } function checkMinimalQuantity(minimal_quantity) { if ($('#quantity_wanted').val() < minimal_quantity) { $('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid red'); $('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', 'red'); } else { $('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid #BDC2C9'); $('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', '#374853'); } } function colorPickerClick(elt) { id_attribute = $(elt).attr('id').replace('color_', ''); $(elt).parent().parent().children().removeClass('selected'); $(elt).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){ $(this).fadeTo('fast', 0, function(){ $(this).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){ $(this).parent().addClass('selected'); }); }); }); $(elt).parent().parent().parent().children('.color_pick_hidden').val(id_attribute); } function getProductAttribute() { // get every attributes values request = ''; //create a temporary 'tab_attributes' array containing the choices of the customer var tab_attributes = []; var radio_inputs = parseInt($('#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]').length); if (radio_inputs) radio_inputs = '#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]'; else radio_inputs = '#attributes input[type=radio]:checked'; $('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], ' + radio_inputs).each(function(){ tab_attributes.push($(this).val()); }); // build new request for (var i in attributesCombinations) for (var a in tab_attributes) if (attributesCombinations[i]['id_attribute'] === tab_attributes[a]) request += '/' + attributesCombinations[i]['id_attribute'] + '-' + attributesCombinations[i]['group'] + attribute_anchor_separator + attributesCombinations[i]['attribute']; request = request.replace(request.substring(0, 1), '#/'); var url = window.location + ''; // redirection if (url.indexOf('#') != -1) url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#')); if ($('#customizationForm').length) { // set ipa to the customization form customAction = $('#customizationForm').attr('action'); if (customAction.indexOf('#') != -1) customAction = customAction.substring(0, customAction.indexOf('#')); $('#customizationForm').attr('action', customAction + request); } window.location.replace(url + request); } function checkUrl() { if (original_url != window.location || first_url_check) { first_url_check = false; var url = window.location + ''; // if we need to load a specific combination if (url.indexOf('#/') != -1) { // get the params to fill from a "normal" url params = url.substring(url.indexOf('#') + 1, url.length); tabParams = params.split('/'); tabValues = []; if (tabParams[0] == '') tabParams.shift(); var len = tabParams.length; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { tabParams[i] = tabParams[i].replace(attribute_anchor_separator, '-'); tabValues.push(tabParams[i].split('-')); } // fill html with values $('.color_pick').removeClass('selected').parent().parent().children().removeClass('selected'); count = 0; for (var z in tabValues) for (var a in attributesCombinations) if (attributesCombinations[a]['group'] === decodeURIComponent(tabValues[z][1]) && attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute'] === decodeURIComponent(tabValues[z][0])) { count++; // add class 'selected' to the selected color $('#color_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']).addClass('selected').parent().addClass('selected'); $('input:radio[value=' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute'] + ']').prop('checked', true); $('input[type=hidden][name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + ']').val(attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']); $('select[name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + ']').val(attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']); if (!!$.prototype.uniform) $.uniform.update('input[name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + '], select[name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + ']'); } // find combination and select corresponding thumbs if (count) { if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; findCombination(); } original_url = url; return true; } // no combination found = removing attributes from url else window.location.replace(url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#'))); } } return false; } So basically the choice array gets defined and various checks are performed to determine the combination the user has selected. The problem is, there is NEVER a check whether the choice was empty or not! Now this is fixed. This code should imho be reviewed by the devs and if correct, included in the source. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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