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Export products from to, possible?

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Hi Everybody, recently i've paid an italian company for making me a new website for my vintage watches store…after two months they have given me my new website but i had a bad surprise, they told me that the products i have on my old website can't be exported to the new one because it was a too old version of Prestashop and so it's impossible to export them!
They are also telling me that at that price they can't put the products on the new website but i have to do it by myself!!!

Considering how many products i have on my old website it would be an hard work for me….

So i ask to you, Prestashop's experts, is it really impossible to export products from version to 

Thank you for you attention...

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A complicated question. 


The basic answer is that you can export them as a CSV from your old shop and then import them in the new shop that was made by your Italian friends. For he basics this should work. For some extra fields it might give some problems.


There as also paid-for tools available.

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It was a wrong approach. Now, it is much more costly for you.


Anyway, I would upgrade using the 1-Click Upgrade module (separately, in a local stage). This way, all products will be there and you can get all product related tables, export them as SQL, change IDs of other records (like tax rules, suppliers etc.), and import directly to the new database.

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